Hello, My Trevor!

Dec 14, 2005 12:12

Title: Hello, My Trevor!
Author: KanedaX
Rating: PG for head colds
Pairing: #178 Neville Longbottom (Harry Potter) / Michigan J Frog (Looney Tunes)
Notes: For the ithurtsmybrain Pairing List challenge.  It takes place at any time in pre-OotP continuity.  I apologize in advance to the Neville-lovers, as I am one myself.

"Are you alright, Neville?" Harry Potter asked his friend as they, along with Hermione Granger and Ron Weasley, sat down for Charms class. They all had their animals with them in separate cages, although they hadn’t been told the reason they had brought them.

"Ugh," Neville Longbottom responded, wiping his handkerchief across his face, "I’b vine. Just hab a stubbed up nose."

"Now, class," Professor Flitwick announced, climbing up onto his stool, "today we will be practicing the Sonorus Charm, which, when properly applied, will allow your voice to project a great distance."

"This should be fun," Ron mumbled to Harry, "I can’t wait to try this at dinner. It’ll be a lot easier to talk at the Gryffindor table."

Hermione gave him a look, as if to say that their conversations probably weren’t the type that should be announced to the world, but kept her retort to herself.

"Since this spell is ultimately to be used on your own person," Flitwick continued, "we will be practicing today on another subject. I hope you all brought your animal with you, as well as your earmuffs?"

The students all nodded, and quickly got to work.

"Sonorus!" Hermione recited, pointing her wand at the throat of Crookshanks. The cat responded with a room-shaking MEOW, much to the dismay of those students who had yet to don their muffs.

"Very good, Ms. Granger!" Flitwick stated from the floor, having been knocked off his stool, "Five points for Gryffindor!"

"Oh, dear," Neville sighed, whose frog, Trevor, seemed to be looking at his wand with a great deal of nervousness. He shot a long blast into his handkerchief, then placed the wand on Trevor’s throat.

"Songorous!" he yelled stuffily.

A great puff of smoke accompanied the loud explosion, but when it cleared Trevor seemed to sit there untouched. He emitted a ribbit that was far from earth-shattering, then jumped into Neville’s bag.

"Bother," Neville groaned.

It was after class, in an empty corridor. Neville was walking alone back to the Gryffindor Tower when he heard it coming from his bag.

"Hello my baby, hello my honey, hello my ragtime gal…"

He froze in his tracks, not believing his ears.

"Send me a kiss by wire…"

He reached into his bag and pulled out Trevor.

"Baby my heart’s on fire!"

Trevor jumped up onto his hand, stood up on his hind legs and started dancing up Neville’s arm, a great bass voice emanating from his mouth. Neville continued his journey at a dead run so he could show his friends.

"If you refuse me, honey you lose me, than you’ll be left alone."

"Squiggledy doo!" he yelled to the Fat Lady, who swung her portrait aside, allowing him to enter into an empty common room. He bolted upstairs to the room he shared with Harry & Ron.

"Oh, baby, telephone, and tell me I’m your own!"

"Harry, Ron, look at dis!" Neville announced gleefully, holding out Trevor, who had stopped singing and was just sitting on his hand, croaking.

"What is it?" Ron asked, "did Trevor grow a new wart, or something?"

"No, no, Trebor gan sig!" Neville responded, shaking Trevor slightly. "Come on, Trebor, sig for dem!"


"He gan danze, doo!" He continued, running over to Harry’s end table and setting Trevor down.

Harry and Ron gave each other a look.

"Neville," Harry said cautiously, "are you sure you’re okay? I mean, not running a fever, feeling delusional, anything like that?"

"No, no, id really habbened!" Neville wailed. "Gum on, Trebor, sig! Danze!"

He picked the frog up by its front legs and tried to show him how to do it, kicking the hind legs out with his fingers. Trevor seemed unenthusiastic about the prospect.


Harry sighed. "Get some sleep, Neville," he said calmly, "maybe you’ll feel better in the morning."

As he and Ron walked out the door, Neville overheard Ron say, "maybe we should get him a little top-hat and cane for Christmas, or something. I think Ginny still might have some at home in her old doll collection."

Neville sat in flummoxed silence, staring at Trevor, who, after the door closed, immediately jumped up onto his hind legs and started singing and dancing again.

"Trebor!" he yelled, "Why gouldn’t you do dat earlier?"

Trevor stopped in mid-step.

"You should know," he growled, "that my name’s not Trevor.

"If you’d be more polite and call me by my real name, I might be more inclined to show myself off!"

Neville’s mouth opened, closed again, opened again. Trevor jumped right back into his routine.

"Bud…" Neville stumbled, causing Trevor to stop again, "what is your name?"

Trevor bowed deeply.

"Michigan J. Frog, at your service!"

potter, fanfic, pairinglist

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