Title: Infiltration (After the Flaw: Oligarchy, Chapter 39) Author: kanedax Spoilers: Previous ChaptersRating: R for language and violence
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"And what they asked was so simple: Stay vigilant. Pay extra attention to those students they told her to watch. Interfere only if they are in danger. The First could come in five years OR fifty. The First might not even come from Hogwarts. In fact, the odds were slim indeed, maybe one in a thousand. Do what they asked, and she would be well rewarded when the time came."
Excellent chapter; I thoroughly enjoyed the tactics used by the infiltration team to find their way around the Oligarchy HQ. So, so, SO many stories would just have our heroes running into danger, bouncing off obstacles, no real plan available. Instead your characters used their brains and made cautious, reasoned moves. And it wasn't the case of one person - like Ogden - taking unilateral command, everyone had their say in nutting out their tactics. I really enjoyed the whole flow of this chapter along those lines
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Comments 4
One typo I noticed:
"And what they asked was so simple: Stay vigilant. Pay extra attention to those students they told her to watch. Interfere only if they are in danger. The First could come in five years OR fifty. The First might not even come from Hogwarts. In fact, the odds were slim indeed, maybe one in a thousand. Do what they asked, and she would be well rewarded when the time came."
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