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Oct 01, 2006 16:34

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Title: New Mutants, Volume VII: A Day In The Life, 2/2
Fandom: X-Men Movieverse
Rating: R for language, sex, and violent discussion
Pairings: Moira/Sean, Theresa/Remy, Bobby/Kitty
Summary: A day in the life of the Academy, where powers are revealed, relationships are forged, and a new threat arises.
Notes: Because the server's being a putz, this chapter has been divided up into two separate posts.  One scene in particular is lovingly taken from Astonishing.  As usual, I don't own the X-Men, 20th Century Fox, or Joss Whedon.  But if I did, I'd have the phone numbers for Alison Hannigan and Jewel Staite.  And that would be awesome.

EDIT: I also apologize for the layout of this chapter.  It was written on multiple days on multiple computers and multiple versions of Microsoft Word.  So it came out liking and hating paragraph breaks.

Previous Chapter (A Day In The Life, 1/2) / Next Chapter (Everything Zen)

“So what do you think of the place so far?”

“What, the school?”

“Yeah,” Forge said, pulling into the parking lot of the strip mall.  “I mean, you’ve been there for a while now, you have to have some idea by now.”

Brian grinned, something that Forge noticed he never had any lack of.  “It’s nice,” he said.  “It’s exciting.”

Forge laughed.  He got out of the car and pulled on a pair of gloves.  “Yeah, I suppose for someone who’s only been out of bed for a few months, it would be pretty exciting, huh?”

“Why are you wearing gloves?” Brian asked.  “It’s warm out.”

Forge lifted his robotic arm, its gears whirring as he flexed his fingers.  “As I learned when I first built these things, some of the normals aren’t really used to The Terminator walking through a mall with them.  The gloves and the long sleeves keep me inconspicuous.”

“So where are we going?” Brian asked as the two of them walked across the lot.

“A few different stores, actually,” Forge said.  “Mind going on a treasure hunt for me?”

“Sure, that sounds like fun,” Brian said, a grin crossing his face.  “I haven’t done a lot of shopping before.”

“Well, I’ll keep it simple for ya,” Forge said, pulling a crumpled, oil-stained piece of paper from his coat pocket.  “Each item is divided up by what store you’ll find it in.  If you have any questions, just ask a clerk, they’re good for that sort of thing.”

“Super,” Brian chuckled.  “Where are you headed off to?”

Forge pointed to the large sign at the end of the mall.

“Okay,” Brian said.  “I’ll go to Radio Shack and CompUSA.  You’re going to…  JoAnn Fabrics?  What’s there?”

“I’m picking up some special fabric,” Forge said.  “Fine wire mesh weaved in for energy distribution.”

“They sell that there?”

Forge tapped his nose with the tip of his finger.  “I know a guy,” he chuckled.  “See ya in a bit.”

The job was much easier than Brian had anticipated.  The items that Forge had requested were simple to find, for the most part, and for the others he cheerfully approached a salesman.

One of the kids gave Brian an odd look as he pulled down a small computer fan from the rack.

“Usually don’t see people in such a good mood here,” the clerk said.

Brian looked out into the street.  “It’s a nice day,” he said.

Forge met up with Brian about a half hour later, as the sun was beginning to set.

“Got everything?”

Brian nodded, lifting two plastic bags.

“Alright, let’s get going.”

As the stepped onto the sidewalk, Brian stopped.  A newspaper box had caught his eye.  He walked over, bent over, examining a picture.

Forge’s brow furrowed.

“Westchester Woman Found Dead,” he mumbled.  “What’s up, Brian?”

“I don’t know,” Brian said quietly.  For the first time that day, the smile had left his face.

Forge reached into his pocket and pulled out two quarters.  Plugging them into the machine, he pulled out the paper.

“While details are still sketchy, police have said the cause of death is inconclusive, as there were no marks on the body.  Autopsy still pending.

“Hmmm,” Forge said, folding the paper up and tucking it under his arm.  “Might be worth taking a closer look at.  I’ll let Ororo know.”  He patted Brian on the back.  “Good eye.”

Why did that woman look familiar? Brian thought as they walked away.

“So,” he asked, trying to return to a light tone, “What’s going on tonight?”

“First Saturday night,” Forge said as they climbed back into the car.  “Usually movie night for the kids.  At least that’s what it was when I was going to school.”

“Is anyone in here?”

Theresa Cassidy opened the door to the boys’ dorm room, knocking as she entered.  It was empty except for one boy sitting on his bed.  He had piles of cards spread out on the sheet.

Oh, boy, don’t screw up, one part of Theresa’s mind moaned.

“Hi, um, Remy…”

He looked up from the cards, his face expressionless.  His oddly colored eyes pierced through her.

God, he’s hot.

He sat silently, stilly, waiting for her to speak.  Theresa self-consciously pushed her red hair back behind her ear.

“I was, um, wondering,” she stammered, “well, that is, we were wondering, um…”

He continued to stare, his black and red eyes never blinking.

“We’re gonna watch a movie,” Theresa said.  “I was…  we was…  we were wondering if you… wanted to come down and watch, too?”


Remy looked back down at the cards and flipped another three into his hand.  “Don’t feel much like company tonight, chere.”

“Oh.”  Damn.  She quickly turned to leave, her face reddening as she went.  She stopped, steeled herself, and turned around again to knock him out with her cool delivery.

“Are you sure?” she squeaked.

That one was even better, the voice in her head said sarcastically.  He’s putty in your hands now, for sure.

“I’m sure,” his eyes never leaving the cards.

Through sheer force of will, she forced herself to take a step into the bedroom.

“What… whatcha playin?”

“Solitaire,” Remy replied.  Flipped three more cards, then moved one to the top deck.

“Oh,” Theresa replied.  “That’s…  that’s a fun game.”

“It relaxes me,” he replied, emotionless as always.

“Yeah,” she said.  Inspiration hit her like a bolt of lightning.  “We should play together sometime.”

Remy looked up from the cards.  “Solitaire?”

“Yeah!  Well, no, not…  not solitaire,” she blurted.  “But I know…  cards.  I can play…  stuff…”

Remy returned to his game.  “Stuff?”

“Well, my dad, he… taught me…  gin?  And…  and…  five hundred, yeah, that’s a good one…”

“You’re the professor’s kid, right?”

Theresa stopped in mid-stammer.  “Yeah?”

“You down there with the others a few nights ago?”

“Yeah,” she muttered.  “Of course, I was only there to make sure that Jubilee didn’t get into any trouble, and…”

“That was decent of you,” he said, flipping out more cards.  “Looking out for your friend, and all.”

Theresa’s mouth hung open.  She was trying so hard to impress the guy that the fact that he was impressed actually struck her dumb.

“Th…thanks…” she breathed.

“Do you play chess?”

“A little…”

“We’ll play sometime.”

“Oh…  okay…”

“I think your friends are waiting.”

Too shocked to even respond, Theresa turned around and closed the door.  She took two steps down the hall, released a quick high pitched squeal as her fists pumped in the air, then calmed herself and walked down the stairs to join the others.

Connor Jones arched an eyebrow as he watched Theresa Cassidy slowly walk down the stairs and sit down next to her friend, Jubilation Lee.  Theresa slowly turned her head, meeting Jubilee’s eyes.

Theresa smiled dumbly.

Jubilee screamed and clapped her hands.

Jones turned to Jimmy, shaking his head.  “Women.”

Jimmy laughed out loud.

Peter and Lucas walked into the living room, both with their arms piled full of snacks and sodas.

“So what are we watching?” Lucas asked as he sat down on the couch next to Jimmy and Jones.

“Aren’t we waiting for Bobby and Kitty?” Jones asked.

“Hell if I know,” Jubilee said.  “They went out for dinner a few hours ago.  If they came back, I didn’t hear them come in.”

“They know the drill,” Peter said, leaning back in his chair and pulling a sketch pad onto his lap, “If they want to be here, good for them.  If they don’t, well, they must have something better to do.”

“So, let me get this straight,” Alison said, opening the bag of pretzels.  “Those two are allowed to go out and do whatever they want, borrow one of the many cars that this place has, yet we can’t leave without adult supervision?

“How does that work?”

“Well first off, they’re legal,” Peter said.  “Last year they were both in your position.”

“Then why aren’t you going out and partying?  Having too much fun hanging out with us school kids?”

Peter shrugged, the only answer he would give.

“Also,” Jones said, “Last time I checked, you’re a little more popular than all of us.  Going out and partying with you might draw a crowd you might not necessarily want to draw.”

Alison gave him a look.  “What’s that supposed to mean?”

“It’s still not public knowledge yet that you’re a mutant,” Peter said as he scratched a pencil across the page.  “If you show up at a club, the media will find out.  The media will follow us back.  The media will ask questions about what this place is.”

“And the media might find out we’re harboring a mass murderer,” Arthur mumbled from next to Alison.

“Right, because we’re trying to keep him safe,” Alison said, rolling her eyes.  “God forbid we should worry about being killed in our sleep, just so long as he’s safe.”

“As for Bobby and Kitty,” Jubilee artfully interjected, “they’ve been keeping pretty close since Bobby and Rogue broke up.  I say let them have a night.  Bobby deserves to go out with someone who he can actually hold hands with, and Kitty deserves to actually have a boyfriend, something she’s never had before.

“I think it’s kinda cute, actually.”

“Okay,” Lucas said, digging through the pile of DVD’s, “Star Wars, right?”

“Ugh,” Alison grunted.  “Don’t we have any Lohan or Hannigan flicks?”

“Right,” Arthur replied, “Cuz that’s what I want to watch tonight.  Middle-aged chick flicks.”

“Prince Caspian?”

“How about something romantic?” Jubilee said, grabbing another stack.  “That movie with Dakota Fanning?”

“I know!  Half-Blood Prince!”

“Do you know anything but geek films, Bishop?”

“I dunno,” Jubilee replied, “Jason Statham made a hot werewolf in that one.”


A woman’s voice cried out behind them, and just as quickly disappeared.  Everyone’s head spun in the same direction.

“What the hell was that?” Jimmy said.

“Is there someone there?” Jones yelled.

“I thought I saw a blur, or something,” Lucas replied.

Alison felt something cold on the tip of her nose.  She looked up.

“Why is it snowing in here?”

Kitty Pryde climbed out from the floor of the Academy’s basement.  She pulled Bobby Drake up with her, then collapsed on the floor.

“Oh, my God,” she yelled, “That was incredible.”

Bobby’s head whipped around.  “Where are we?”

“That was the best orgasm I’ve ever had.”

“Why are we in the med lab?”

“I mean, I lost my vibrator in there once or twice on some particularly good nights…”

“Jesus,” Bobby sat up quickly and looked to the ceiling.  “Weren’t we just in your room?”

“…and the removable showerhead once…”


“But nothing like that.”

Bobby turned to look at Kitty, who was lying on her back, her arms and legs spread.  Her naked breasts raised and fell as she tried to catch her breath.

“So,” Bobby smiled, “I guess this means you want to be my girlfriend?”

Kitty laughed, rolling over and kissing Bobby.  “You don’t know how long I’ve been waiting to hear you say that, Bobby Drake.”

“That specific phrase?”

Kitty snuggled up to him.  “Even when you were dating Rogue,” she said, “I always cared about you.  I always hoped that…  I mean, I didn’t necessarily hope that anything bad happened, but…”

Bobby nodded.  “I know what you meant,” he said.  “I mean, when Rogue broke up with me, it hurt.  But these past few days, especially the time I’ve spent with you, it made me realize that I had held onto her a lot more than I probably should.  She was my first girlfriend, and…”

Kitty kissed him again.  “You don’t have to explain,” she said.

“But these past few days have made me realize that I stayed with her just because she was my girlfriend,” he continued.  “But I was happier, had more fun, was more comfortable when I was hanging out with you than when I was with her.”

“That… that was kinda rambly,” Kitty muttered.  “But I’ll accept it as a compliment.”

Bobby chuckled, then came to once again.  “Ah, jeez,” he said, looking around.  “We should try to figure out how to get out of here.  We’re not exactly dressed for travel.”

Kitty’s lower lip stuck out.  “Awww,” she whined, her hand sliding down his body, “Are you sure we can’t get another round in?”

Bobby gasped as her hand gripped him, and he kissed her as his hand slid up and cupped her small breast.  Then he pulled back.

“If we do it down here,” he said, “We’ll end up in China.”

“Australia, actually,” Kitty sighed, “but I understand.”

“We’re dating now,” Bobby said, smiling.  “We’ll have plenty of opportunities.”

Kitty giggled and kissed him.  “Keep saying that as often as you want, Bobby Drake.  I’ll never get tired of hearing it.”

“You wait here,” he said, sitting up again, “I’ll go grab our uniforms.”

“Do I have to?” she flirted.  “That means I have to watch your cute ass, and I don’t know if I can take much of that right now.”

“You’re quite a nympho, aren’t you?”

Kitty blushed, the red shifting down to her chest.  “It was my first time.”

“Mine, too,” he responded.  He playfully tweaked her nipple, causing her to squeak, then got up and walked out of the lab, poking his head out the door to make sure the coast was clear.

A few minutes later Bobby returned, carrying two sets of leather jumpsuits.  He handed Kitty her black and pink uniform.

“Where’s yours?” she asked.

“I forgot, it’s being cleaned,” Bobby replied.  “But there was still one of Logan’s spares, so I’m gonna have to use it.

“Either that, or Dr. McCoy’s jacket, but there’s blue fur caught in all the seams, looked itchy.”

Ororo Munroe stood outside the small wooden house.

“House” would be stretching it for most people, since it was only one room, but, having grown up in Africa, this small building in Tibet was closer to what she was born in than any building in America.

She turned around, watching the setting sun.  She lifted her wrist, looking at her watch.

Eight pm.  It would be midnight back at the Academy.

Hopefully my sources are right, she thought as she entered the shack.  The sooner I get him to the school, the better.

Her eyes slowly adjusted to the dim light from the candles in the room.  She looked around and was surprised to see what she found.

Books were scattered everywhere.  History books, some dating as far back as 19th century, were left open.

“Didn’t expect to see you here,” a voice said from the shadows.

“I know,” Ororo said.  “But things have changed.  I don’t want to think I’m forcing you to come with me, but you should know that things have changed at the school.  Some of the new students have skills and abilities that need to be controlled.  I think they can do it, but I also don’t believe that the new teachers have the skills to get it done.

“Things are going to be different,” she continued.  “Most of the people you knew are gone.  But I know you.  I know what you’ve been through, and what you’ve learned.

“We could use you.  The kids could use you.

“Will you come with me?”

Previous Chapter (A Day In The Life, 1/2) / Next Chapter (Everything Zen)

fanfic, xmen, newmutants

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