Final Preparations (After the Flaw: Oligarchy, Chapter 23)

Jun 12, 2009 11:14

Title: Final Preparations (After the Flaw: Oligarchy, Chapter 23)
Author: kanedax
Spoilers: Previous Chapters
Rating: R for language and sexual content
Summary: Is everyone ready to go?
Notes: Enger Tower's a real place. And it really does have a great view. Once again, you can tell that I lived there since I've gone WAY overboard with the ( Read more... )

potter, fanfic, atf2

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Comments 8

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kanedax June 12 2009, 17:47:16 UTC
If there was one issue I was having with this chunk, it was where to finish it. EVERY chapter of the next few has some sort of huge cliffhanger... Sorry, this is gonna be happening a few times in the next few days. ;)


father_turtle June 12 2009, 17:53:06 UTC
DUDE! This had better not be your last chapter before a break.


kanedax June 12 2009, 18:51:03 UTC
Nope, two more after this... Trust me, though, you're not gonna be much happier with the break I DID choose...


cactus_wren June 12 2009, 20:04:50 UTC
ACK! What a mean cliffhanger! It's an excellent place to leave off, but also mean, mean, mean.


kanedax June 12 2009, 20:29:04 UTC
If it helps, it'll probably be an early post tomorrow and Sunday. 9 am-ish Central...


madderbrad June 16 2009, 03:50:41 UTC
Arrrghh!!!! What's going to happen?!?!?!?!

Next chapter isn't up yet, as far as I can see.

"Yeah, but I'd tell my Mum that I dreamt about sleeping with every girl at Hogwarts if it meant someone I loved would get healthy again,"

Right on, Seamus!!!

These magical devices for project Beta have me worried, particularly if they're going to cause (mass) death. I'd thought they might just cancel out magic or something.

And if *this* project is called 'Beta', does that mean there's a final - 'alpha', 'omega'? - planned further down the track?

Next chapter please ... :-)


madderbrad June 16 2009, 03:54:23 UTC
Oh, the next chapter *is* up, just not linked here in its predecessor.

*goes off to read*


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