Manliest Movie? Or MANLIEST MOVIE?

Mar 12, 2009 08:17

So here's the lineup so far for Stallone's new movie, The Expendables:

"Stone Cold" Steve Austin, Forest Whitaker, Eric Roberts, Jason Statham, Jet Li, Randy Couture, Dolph Lungdren, Mickey Rourke.

And Charisma Carpenter.

Huh. Between Carpenter and Benz in Rambo I think Stallone has a thing for casting Buffy alum in his movies ( Read more... )

movies, btvs, awesome

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Comments 8

girlspell March 12 2009, 13:32:56 UTC
Ahem.. aren't these guys getting up there in age? Stone Cold Austin (the wrestler?) I'd say the average age on that line up would be say...49? They are (were) action stars. Even Jet Li is no longer a spring chicken. to be fair Micky and Jet are the actors (and good ones too)


kanedax March 12 2009, 14:00:55 UTC
I think that's the point of the movie, actually.


cactus_wren March 12 2009, 13:45:14 UTC
I don't know about manliest, but it's going to have a metric shit-ton of testosterone.
And if he was going to pick a wrestler to be in his movie, why couldn't he pick Bill Goldberg? Goldberg is far hotter better than Austin. (mind you, that is about the extent of my wrestling knowledge, so don't be impressed).

Demolition Man was good - but honestly? it would have been better with someone other than Stallone woodenly cracking his lame jokes.


kanedax March 12 2009, 14:00:37 UTC
I don't even know where Goldberg is anymore. As a wrestler, yeah, Goldberg was definitely better. But Austin blew him away from a personality standpoint. Hell, blew away almost everyone beyond The Rock. Austin was a character, Goldberg was a killing machine.

And, yes, Stallone was easily the weak link in Demolition Man. It was Snipes's movie, Stallone was just along for the ride.


cactus_wren March 12 2009, 14:11:36 UTC
Goldberg is actually currently hosting a reality show, Bullrun, on the Speed channel. It's his second time hosting it. Hubby and I watched it avidly the first season, but this year they put it on opposite Eleventh Hour and I've been watching that and flipping back and forth on commercials.

I just didn't like Austin that much in what little time I've ever spent watching wrestling (hubby is devoted to it, you see). I just know that Goldberg was made of cool every time he was on. He'd just give the other wrestlers that dead-eyed stare and scare the piss out of them and I'd be all 'Yow! Hello, hotness! Mr. Cool!' and hubby would roll his eyss like I was a moron. Probably similar to what you're doing right now.


kanedax March 12 2009, 14:21:12 UTC
heh yeah, when I was into wrestling in college, I was more into Goldberg and the WCW. Its not that I didn't like Austin and The Rock, I just didn't watch the WWF.

After WCW went down, though, I caught some WWF, and you could tell that Austin and Johnson both had the charisma to hold the audience in the palm of their hand, feeding off their every word. Goldberg didn't have that. He just had intimidation. Again, I don't know what he's like now, as I haven't watched him as a host.


arobynsung March 13 2009, 04:27:11 UTC
Well damn.
Though I can't say I'd ever go for Stallone movies either, but wow.
How did he land Whitaker?


kanedax March 13 2009, 13:19:34 UTC
I dunno, it's odd. But Whitaker's career's weird. It keeps transitioning from "Oscar-calibre" to "Direct-to-DVD."

But he was awesome in Good Morning, Vietnam.

I'm still surprised about Jason Statham. All of these washed-up action stars in the movie and Stallone was able to get a guy who's juggling modern action series with his If-The-World-Was-Perfect-He'd-Be-Fenrir arms. He is awesome, and he's kinda another odd duck in a cast of Stallone, Lundgren, Roberts, and Rourke.

Oh and I didn't mention him in the above list, but Ah-nold's gonna have a cameo in it. Seriously.


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