Title: Carpathian Gorynych (After the Flaw: Oligarchy, Chapter 1)
After the FlawRating: PG-15 for language, disturbing images, and Luna Lovegood
Summary: An ancient threat emerges
Notes: Surprise! Welcome back! I give you chapter one in After the Flaw 2, now known
as After the Flaw: Oligarchy. Later chapters will be coming,
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Comments 25
And Luna.
She does need a warning all of her own.
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First off, I love Vicki quoting Malcolm Reynolds from Firefly. That was most excellent.
I also like how you added a new element from Greek Mythology with the Stymphalian Birds.
I like that you are working on a little mystery here. I want to ask, I know in the original AtF you might have a year of time pass between two chapters. Will that be different with AtF2.
Overall, I think this was a really good first chapter and I can't wait for Chapter Two.
But with a definite global spin, yeah. That was one of my complaints (minor so it is) with Deathly Hallows was that Rowling really missed out an opportunity to expand upon the Potterverse by hiding the horcruxes in different places across the globe instead of keeping them all in England. I went global with Dagger of Ravenclaw and I'm going to try my best to go global with this story, too, at least in points.
As for Vicki's quote, man, you have NO idea how many lines I've stolen from Joss over the years. Man's my idol.
A new one? YAYAYAYAYAYAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Completely different tone than the first, different format (one year instead of 19), and more of a traditional Rowlingesque story...
I hope...
And you're jumping on nice and early, so NOW you get to wait for the extremely sporadic updates just like everyone else! Mwahahahahahaha!!
Luna hilariously embodies TMI. She really does need her own rating. LOL
Poor dragon!! :(
Looking forward to the mystery . . .
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