Title: Three Months Later: Our Little Wilkins (Part 2 of 2)
Author: kanedax
Spoilers: Deathly Hallows
Rating: PG-13 for mild language and content
Characters/Pairings: Ron/Hermione, Mr. & Mrs. Granger, Kingsley, Tonks
Summary: A baby's cry from upstairs makes Hermione realize that her plans were anything but simple
Notes: This is part two of two for this
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Comments 34
Your plot, chracterization, and writing style is just perfect.
I would compliment you more, but I do not have time at the moment.
Just know that I think you have a wonderful talent.
Seriously, though, thank you for reading and commenting on this story. It's always good to see new readers joining in.
I love the icon, btw.
And if you wanna compliment, tell your friends you just read a really cool story about Hermione's new sister. Popularity is a compliment, too. ;)
Also the part with him being to so good with children just makes my heart swell! It was somehow so suprising yet so Ron. There is nothing sexier than a man who is good with kids. I may now have to go write a Ron/Rose fic.
I would totally tell my friends to read this, if I had any friends who read FanFiction, which I don't, so sorry!
Thanks on the icon compliment as well.
I always thought he'd be decent with kids. The fact that he's so protective about Ginny kinda shows that he's not the type who hates little ones. And I had an ex-girlfriend tell me about the "good with kids" thing, so I thought it was true enough to have Hermione think.
Not problem about the friends. Heck, I've had so many comments between this one and After The Flaw, but I haven't been able to talk any of MY friends into reading them, either! If you wanna read more of my stuff, though, the link to my Fanfiction page is up at the top of my LJ.
Thanks for coming back!
*tugs on your pant leg* MORE POST-DH FICCCCCCC.
And thanks. It's nice to know someone's falling in love with at least SOME part of me. ;)
If you want to read some of my pre-DH fic, the "My Fanfic Page" link at the top of my page throws you over to my many many works of post-HBP fic. AU, obviously, but still good...
Also the correlation between the Weasley's ever growing family and Ron's abilities with the baby, very clever.
Ah, sod it, I loved it all!
Thanks for going back and reading my older work after "How To Survive". If you want to try any of my other work, the link down at the bottom of the story takes you to a list of all of my work. Lots of post-HBP Potter, lots of X-Men, and a healthy smattering of Buffy and others mixed in there.
No slash, though, sorry. ;)
I loved Three Months Later. They way you wrapped the songs into everything was absolutely fantastic. There were parts that honestly have me wanting to cry. (This coming from a guy who can't bring himself to cry at his uncle's funeral.) It was really sweet to see Ron and Hermione with Little Caroline. And I loved all the talk about diaper changing. It made me laugh a lot.
I really have no complaints with this fic. Seems quite common when I comment on your writing Kanedex. But that's a good thing! Keep up the good work. I'd be interested to see Ron's proposal. I do hope that you write that piece at one point. And you -have- to eventually write all the wedding pieces. I want to see how you do!
Keep up the work Kanedex. You're quickly becoming one of my favorite authors around! (And I don't mean just for the HP Fan Fictions.) ^_____^
~Maker Of Tomorrow
Harry and Ginny are too horny to wait too long.
Wait, did I say that? lol
Thanks for reading again!
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