So... I gave this
AlphaOmegaSin guy
one more chance to not actively annoy me and, much like
PewDiePie, he failed miserably. To be fair, he's not nearly as icepick-in-the-ear terrible as PewDiePie is, but on the other hand, I don't think PewDiePie is a supporter of
Irredeemably Toxic Shithole, so PewDiePie at least has that over AlphaOmegaSin (though PewDiePie used to make rape jokes like they were going out of style, so he'd probably fit right in with Irredeemably Toxic Shithole, or at least would have if it didn't seem like he regrets those nowadays [though that might just be more because they were hurting his subscriber numbers than anything, for all I know]). To be fair again, AlphaOmegaSin doesn't actually rant about anything related to Irredeemably Toxic Shithole in the Cinemassacre videos, but he's still really cringe-inducing even when he's just talking about Ghostbusters toys or whatever, and he seems to bring the worst out in Mike. James just seems like he doesn't even want to be there in the first place. Yeah... I'm not going to be watching any more videos, Cinemassacre or otherwise, as long as this AlphaOmegaSin guy is in them.