"Peter Molyneux Interview: 'I haven’t got a reputation in this industry any more'"

Feb 13, 2015 16:33

You know... I kind of feel bad for Peter Molyneux. The Fable series of games aren't as bad as most people make them out to be, even if they indeed did not live up to the ludicrous promises made by Molyneux before they came out (and even if Fable III did kind of suck compared to the first two, and I kind of stopped following the series altogether after that), and the Black & White games were pretty okay, too. I guess I just have kind of a soft spot for the guy, is all. As for Godus, I haven't actually played it at all yet, even though I have it on Steam via the Kickstarter, so I can't make any comments about it, good or bad, aside from that I've heard a lot of other people claim that it's not very good, and it's mainly because of that that I haven't bothered to play it yet (nor do I intend to until and unless the game actually does get completed).

Still, regardless of how much of a soft spot I may have for him because of the past games he has made which I enjoyed, I almost assuredly won't ever give Molyneux a single red cent for any future video game projects he may be involved with, at least not until said projects are completed and released and proven not to entirely suck, at any rate. I may still sort of kind of like the guy and all, and maybe that's not too rational on my part, but even so, I'm also not utterly stupid either. Maybe, just maybe, it really would be better for everyone involved if Peter Molyneux got out of the video game industry, not the least of whom would be Peter Molyneux himself.

This project, also, is a big part of why I support almost no Kickstarter projects anymore, these days (the last one I've backed was NightCry, which I talked about before). At this point, I'll just wait until whatever KS game I may be interested in is actually finished, complete, done, and then, only then, pay my money for it if I'm still interested in it. If the game never gets made because I didn't support the KS, then so be it, I guess. I'm over crowd-funding and early access stuff, for the most part. (EDIT 3) But then Shenmue 3 happened and made a liar out of me. Well, damn. (/EDIT 3)

Also, more and more, and for a variety of reasons beyond just this thing here, I've been coming to think of John Walker of Rock, Paper, Shotgun as kind of a huge asshole, and him opening an interview with someone with "Do you think that you're a pathological liar?" is only helping to grow my impression of Walker as a giant douchebag. And the interview only went downhill from there, for both of them. See, this is what results when video game "journalists" play make-believe at being hard-hitting, real life, grown-up, honest-to-goodness journalists. It, obviously, is not pretty at all. (EDIT) And it's a bit heartening to see some of the comments under the article taking Walker to task for his overly aggressive tone as well. Then again, there are just as many playing the lickspittle to Mr. Walker under there, too. (/EDIT) (EDIT 2) And, in the end, I have decided, finally, to just altogether remove Rock, Paper, Shotgun from my bookmarks and newsfeed over this. It had been a long time in coming, because my perceived quality of the content coming out of RPS lately had been on the decline, but this was the straw/camel event. If I find out later that John Walker has left RPS, I might then re-add the site to my rotation. Then again, I never got around to re-adding Destructoid after Jim Sterling left, so... eh, we'll see how it goes, I guess. *shrug* (/EDIT 2)

game industry stuff (2015), video game journalism, kickstarter, games (2015)

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