More GamerGate bullshit

Oct 26, 2014 14:22

Ah, okay, so it has reached this point already, has it? So, apparently, the GamerGate assholes who think there is some sort of huge feminist conspiracy to corrupt gaming and game journalism (or whatever the fuck it is they believe) have been trying to claim that the harassment isn't coming from GamerGate-supporters but is, in fact, actually coming from anti-GamerGate people (or just trolls) in a sort of ludicrous false flag conspiracy to discredit GamerGate (as though that would even be necessary at all, given that GamerGate does a plenty good enough job to discredit itself already). In other words, the people who believe in crazy conspiracy theories believe that there is a crazy conspiracy to vilify them. Yeah. Right. Uh huh. Sure. Also, in totally unrelated news, I'm the Queen of England and I own a bridge in Brooklyn that I'd like to sell to you. Seriously, though, talk about grasping at straws.

Honestly, I think I would have been much happier if I'd remained in the "What is this GamerGate thing that everyone seems to be talking about lately?" state of being, prior to when I started actually looking into this shit.

internet, fuck gamergate

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