"Elite: Dangerous 'Premium Beta' now available at a $150 price tag"

May 30, 2014 21:49

It looks like this sort of thing is becoming the next big trend. I'll just say the same thing I said last time: if idiots want to pay that much just to be allowed to test a game, let them waste their money in whatever way they want. It's actually somewhat morbidly interesting watching to see what new terrible schemes game devs/pubs are coming up with these days to fleece people, and equally morbidly interesting to see how many fools fall for such things. The only alternative is to get depressed by it all.

(EDIT) There are people in the comments trying to claim that because this game will cost $50 on release and because it will come with an extra $50 of pre-planned DLC (meaning that the game plus the stuff that they're cutting out to be sold as DLC is going to cost $100 total, assuming they don't come out with even more DLC later), you're really "only" paying an extra $50 for the privilege to test the game early. They're saying this as though this is a really good deal. Then again, these same people are apparently willing to pay full price $50 for a game and an additional $50 for DLC in the first place, so go figure. Well, as has been said before, there is a sucker born every minute.

I'm not saying that I don't think this will be an awesome game or anything, because it looks and sounds like it will be pretty amazing. I'm just saying that I'll be waiting a few years after it is released before I buy it at a more reasonable price than $100, as per my usual policy. (/EDIT)

elite dangerous, game industry stuff, games, dlc

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