Mon, 13:18: RT @ shaun_jen: richard spencer is currently - right now - streaming on youtube and taking donations. makes me think of this @ YouTubeInsider…
Mon, 11:22: Vomité esta mañana. No por caña. No por gripe. Por fumarme un habano y comer demasiados embutidos españoles. Nosot…
Sat, 21:05: RT @ PhilosophyTube: the fact that Peterson only read the communist manifesto like last week makes me feel a plum jackass for slogging all t…
Wed, 15:28: RT @ ThirdEyeSharpie: Letting someone create a false narrative of you is a small price to pay for having rid yourself of their toxicity. Let…
Mon, 12:28: RT @ grandovich: No haré un llamado para rezar por Puga, haré un llamado a agradecer su constante lucha por los DDHH y ayuda social de este…