В соответсвии с репрезентативным опросом граждан ФРГ (погрешность 1,5-3 percentage point), проведенным
http://www.infratest-dimap.de/, 58%ов немцев - против вступления Грузии в НАТО. 26%ов - "За". Кроме того, 42%а немцев выражают сильное беспокойство по поводу наступления в связи с конфликтом новой "Холодной войны". 37%ов в малой степени переживают по поводу "Холодной войны".
11%ов немцев вообще не выражают беспокойства по поводу "Холодной войны".
http://www.infratest-dimap.de/?id=229&sid=66 Untersuchungsanlage
Grundgesamtheit:Deutsche Bevölkerung ab 18 JahrenStichprobe:Repräsentative Zufallsauswahl/RandomstichprobeErhebungsverfahren:Computergestützte Telefoninterviews (CATI)Fallzahl:1.000 BefragteErhebungszeitraum:19.08. - 20.08.2008Fehlertoleranz:1,4* bis 3,1** Prozentpunkte
* bei einem Anteilswert von 5%
** bei einem Anteilswert von 50%Durchführendes Institut:Infratest dimap
http://www.bloomberg.com/apps/news?pid=20601100&sid=aRCU6Z1Znbbc&refer=germanyGermans Say Georgia Shouldn't Become NATO Member, Poll Shows
By Rainer Buergin
Aug. 22 (Bloomberg) -- Most Germans reject an extension of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization to include Georgia, a poll shows.
Fifty-eight percent of Germans said they're against Georgia's NATO membership, while 26 percent support the former Soviet republic's accession to the U.S.-led alliance, the Infratest dimap poll for
ARD television showed today.
Merkel said after a meeting with Georgian President Mikheil Saakashvili in Tbilisi on Aug. 17 that Georgia can join NATO if it wants to, though she failed to give any timescale for membership. That echoed the decision of a NATO summit in April, when Merkel was among the leading opponents of giving Georgia a fast track for membership. In March, she said that countries ``enmeshed in regional conflicts shouldn't try to become members.''
The poll also showed that half of Germans are concerned about a possible new Cold War with Russia over the Russian- Georgian conflict.
Infratest surveyed 1,000 people Aug. 19-20. The poll had a margin of error of as much as 3.1 percentage points.
To contact the reporter on this story:
Rainer Buergin in Berlin at
Last Updated: August 22, 2008 02:18 EDT