Eвреи используют свою трагическую историю как способ выкачивания средств???

Jan 29, 2010 01:39

На заметку
http://jn.com.ua/Antisemitism/peronek_2701.html в связи с заявлениями польского епископа Тадеуша Перонека
около половины жителей стран Западной Европы, которые убеждены: евреи используют свою трагическую историю как способ выкачивания средств. Об этом свидетельствуют результаты отчета, подготовленного совместно Еврейским агентством ("Сохнут") и министерством по делам диаспоры Израиля.

Согласно данным, предоставленным Израилю проводившим опрос Университетом Билефельда (Германия), эту позицию разделяют 42% респондентов. Страны, где этот процент значительно выше среднего - Польша и Испания.

На русском языке подробности http://newsru.co.il/world/24jan2010/anti4561.html

Для тех, кто читает на немецком -тут  http://www.amadeu-antonio-stiftung.de/w/files/pdfs/gfepressrelease.pdf - исследование, которое, кстати в ноябре 2009 года презентировано было. Польша с Венгрией - "фпередипланетыфсей":

Великобритания - 21.8%
Германия - 48.9%
Франция 32.4%
Италия 40.2%
Нидерланды 17.3%
Португалия 52%
Польша 72.2%
Венгрия 68%

Был еще и другой вопросы
"Juden im Allgemeinen kümmern sich um nichts und niemanden außer um
ihre eigene Gruppe." - Иудеи/евреи в целом заботятся не о чем и не о ком, кроме своей группы:
31% европейцев -такого мнения..
В то же время на вопрос "Juden bereichern unsere Kultur." Евреи/иудеи обогащают нашу культуру " - 61,9% согласны с этим.

Europäische Zustände.
Ergebnisse einer Studie über gruppenbezogene
Menschenfeindlichkeit in Europa.

Prof. Dr. Andreas Zick, Dr. Beate Küpper, and Hinna Wolf;
Institut für interdisziplinäre Konflikt- und Gewaltforschung, Universität Bielefeld

Wir nehmen an, dass sich traditioneller Antisemitismus in Aussagen wie „Juden haben zu
viel Einfluss in [Land]“ widerspiegeln. Ein Viertel der Europäer (24,5%) stimmen dieser
Aussage eher oder voll und ganz zu. Zudem vermuten 42,2%, dass Juden versuchen einen
Vorteil daraus zu ziehen, dass sie während der Zeit des Nationalsozialismus Opfer waren.
Fast ein Drittel (31%) stimmen der Aussage zu: „Juden kümmern sich nicht um nichts und
niemanden außer um sich selbst.“ Im Gegensatz dazu, ziehen 61,9% in Betracht, dass
Juden unsere Kultur bereichern. 38,1% stimmen dieser Aussage nicht zu. Wir untersuchten
auch den Grad des Antisemitismus der sich hinter bestimmter Kritik an der Politik Israels
gegenüber den Palästinensern versteckt. Diese Kritik bedient sich antisemitischen NSAssoziationen
wie „Vernichtungskrieg“ (nicht gezeigt in Graphik 2) oder generalisiert die
Israelische Politik auf ‚alle Juden’. 45,7% der Europäer in den sieben untersuchten Ländern
(ausgeschlossen Frankreich, wo diese Facette des Antisemitismus nicht gemessen wurde)
stimmten folgender Aussage eher oder voll und ganz zu: „Israel führt einen Krieg der
Vernichtung gegen die Palästinenser.“ Das Ausmaß von Antisemitismus unterscheiden sich
in den einzelnen Ländern stark mit vergleichsweise niedrigen Levels in Großbritannien und
den Niederlanden und signifikant höheren in Portugal und insbesondere in Polen und

Upd.0 Нашел текст про отчет на сайте Сохнута
Фраза на немецком  "...Juden versuchen einen
Vorteil daraus zu ziehen, dass sie während der Zeit des Nationalsozialismus Opfer waren" Иудеи пытаются получить прибыль от того, что они[иудеи] были жертвами Национал-Социализма превратилась на сайте Сохнута в емкую "...believe Jews exploit past to extort money..." иудеи вымогают прошлым деньги.
http://www.jewishagency.org/JewishAgency/English/About/Press%2BRoom/Jewish%2BAgency%2BIn%2BThe%2BNews/2010/1/jan24haar.htm January 24, 2010 By Nir Hasson, Haaretz Correspondent Annual Jewish Agency report cites poll finding 42% of West Europeans believe Jews exploit past to extort money. Anti-Semitism in Europe. (AP) Nearly half of Western European believe that Jews exploit the persecution of their past as a method of extorting money, according to an annual Jewish Agency report released on Sunday. A joint report on anti-Semitism conducted by the Agency and the Ministry of Diaspora Affairs found that 42 percent of those polled by the University of Bielefeld in Germany agreed that "Jews exploit the past to extort money." T he countries in which the highest percentage of the population agreed with that statement were Poland and Spain. According to the Jewish Agency, there were more anti-Semitic incidents in 2009 than in any year since the Second World War. In the first three months of 2009 - immediately following Israel's three-week offensive on the Gaza Strip - there were as many anti-Semitic incidents recorded as in the entire year of 2008. In France, for example, there were 631 anti-Semitic incidents recorded in the first half of 2009, compared to 474 in all of 2008. Worldwide, eight people were killed in attacks last year. The report indicates that there were two murders linked with anti-Semitism in the United States in 2009 - one of a female university student in Connecticut and the other of a non-Jewish guard at the Holocaust museum in Washington, D.C. This rise in anti-Semitism is stemming from both the political Left and Right, according to the Jewish Agency. At the press conference at which the report was released, officials referred to a film that has been making the rounds in recent days that charges Israel with stealing organs at the IDF hospital in Haiti Copywrite 2010 Haaretz === http://www.jewishagency.org/JewishAgency/English/About/Press%2BRoom/Jewish%2BAgency%2BIn%2BThe%2BNews/2010/1/jan26jta.htm January 26, 2010 JERUSALEM -- Anti-Semitic incidents increased dramatically around the world, particularly in Western Europe, during 2009, according to an annual report. In response to the report by the Coordination Forum for Countering Anti-Semitism that was unveiled Sunday, the Israeli Cabinet decided at its regular Sunday meeting to establish a team to recommend ways to step up the struggle against anti-Semitism. The report, conducted by the Jewish Agency for Israel and the Israeli Ministry of Diaspora Affairs, found that more anti-Semitic incidents were recorded during the first three months of 2009 than during the entire previous year. Israel's Operation Cast Lead in the Gaza Strip was cited as the cause for the dramatic rise. France recorded the largest increase, with 631 anti-Semitic incidents in the first half of 2009 compared with 474 in all of 2008. Britain was next with more than 600 incidents in 2009. The Community Security Trust, which handles security for the British Jewish community, had recorded 541 incidents in 2008. The incidents were notable as well for being more serious, according to the report, with hundreds being considered extremely violent. Eight murders were attributed to anti-Semitism. The report cited the findings of a poll by the University of Bielefeld in Germany showing that 42 percent of respondents agreed that "Jews exploit the past to extort money." Poland and Spain were the countries with the highest percentage of respondents who agreed with the statement. The Israeli panel to be established by the Cabinet will aim to strengthen coordination between government bodies, research institutes and organizations that deal with anti-Semitism. The team will present its recommendations to the Cabinet within 120 days. The report was released ahead of the International Day against Fascism and Anti-Semitism and the anniversary of the liberation of Auschwitz, observed on Jan. 27. It was unveiled by Jewish Agency chairman Natan Sharansky © JTA. Reproduction of any material without written authorization is strictly prohibited.

eu, juden, 21 век

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