And that's about as fur as I c'n go

Nov 30, 2016 23:55

Belatedly, Happy Birthday to
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sherlock, fiction, birthday

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Comments 4

arianedevere December 1 2016, 12:55:43 UTC
Really clever! I love that they were talking code all the time! And you've made the characters of the Holmes parents very true to their behaviour in the show. I love this.


kalypso_v December 1 2016, 15:47:58 UTC
Thanks very much - I'm delighted that you enjoyed it, I wasn't quite sure whether my conceit would work or not. Your transcripts were of course very useful sources - I had all the Holmes parents' dialogue saved in a special file so that I could check how they talked without having to keep playing the scenes. I couldn't quite rise to the heights of Mrs Holmes's lottery-ticket-down-the-back-of-the-sofa routine - it's really hard keeping up a constant stream of banality, and my admiration for her steadily increased! I don't think Sherlock knows what they're doing, though Mycroft might.


keerawa December 6 2016, 06:53:29 UTC
Very nice - I love that the family is all so clever, even if they don't demonstrate it in quite the same way as Sherlock and Mycroft.


kalypso_v December 6 2016, 12:05:27 UTC
Thank you! John says they're ordinary, but then that's on the basis of seeing them for five minutes, and a lot of people think he's ordinary, which Sherlock has pointed out is very far from true.

And I enjoy writing about minor characters, because I like the idea that they have complex and fascinating lives of which the main characters are quite ignorant...


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