A lot of knowledge is a dangerous thing

Nov 30, 2014 13:55

Happy Birthday to
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sherlock, fiction, birthday

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Comments 12

kitmerlot1213 November 30 2014, 14:26:32 UTC
I do like seeing Mycroft and Mary sharing their mutual befuddlement at Sherlock's actions. He really is quite dramatic :):)


kalypso_v November 30 2014, 20:35:09 UTC
Well, it can't be easy having to start from an artificially befuddled state! But they're highly intelligent people, so I'm sure they can work it out between them - if only he didn't have that head start...


london_fan November 30 2014, 16:42:50 UTC
That's an interesting interpretation of what might have happened when everyone came to. I've been wondering about this; the level of mutual mistrust and suspicions must have been quite high.

Thanks for sharing. It's always good to read a well-written story about Mary! :)


kalypso_v November 30 2014, 20:43:07 UTC
I think they must be suspicious of one another - but, as I assume Mycroft knows who Mary is, there's not much point her lying to him here: if she's in trouble, being straight with him is probably the safest course, as he certainly won't protect her if he thinks she's trying to trick him. And they can at least bond over "Sherlock's mad plan which he didn't tell us". Being straight with his mother might not be such a good idea, though...


london_fan December 7 2014, 00:21:14 UTC
You're right, I'm pretty sure that Mycroft must know that something is up with Mary. I guess the question I wonder about is what exactly there is for him (and Sherlock) to have found out! And do we/they really have the complete picture or will there be another plot twist. Fool me once...

And they can at least bond over "Sherlock's mad plan which he didn't tell us".
Yeah, this they can definitely do! There should be a whole support group for people like them! ;)


kalypso_v December 6 2014, 23:59:34 UTC
I meant to say - if you like well-written Mary, have you read marysutherland's The Go-Between?


marysutherland November 30 2014, 19:00:26 UTC
Really enjoyed your take on Mycroft's dirty secret - and very ingenious to suggest it's knowledge that really obsesses him. (I like Bill's assumption of incest as well!). And your Mary is wonderful, especially taking down Bill (who frankly deserves it). And Magnusson wanting a tame assassin is also inspired - he seems to be moving into more specifically criminal acts with the bonfire, so maybe he feels the need for some backup if things get really dangerous. Thanks very much for this.


kalypso_v November 30 2014, 21:01:34 UTC
Very glad that you appreciated it! I could never quite see why Magnussen would think he could get leverage on Mycroft through Sherlock, given the level of notoriety Sherlock had achieved already. And Magnussen's file on John classifies him as "unimportant", which seems odd if he's a key part of the plan to control the British government. So, as it was quite easy to think of other reasons why Magnussen might want to own Mary (even if he says he's "not a murderer" I can't imagine him balking at getting other people's hands dirty), I decided that he's lying to protect his own investment in a compromised Mycroft, which I find a much more interesting idea than the sentimental big brother. My Mycroft can have feelings and stamp on them when duty requires.


dognmonkeyshow December 2 2014, 03:04:00 UTC
Interesting read! I agree that it's obvious that Mycroft knows that Mary isn't who she says she is (no one's getting near John, and therefore Sherlock, without Mycroft doing his Big Brother routine). But I'm especially intrigued by your ideas around the nature of the relationship between Mycroft and Magnussen. I can see those two circling each other, subtly jockeying for advantage for years. You've given me food for thought, that's for sure, and I'm always happy for another reason to spend a few hours pondering the mysteries of Mycroft's world.


kalypso_v December 2 2014, 04:30:33 UTC
Well, there's obviously something complicated going on, what with Mycroft being so keen to stop Sherlock investigating him, but Magnussen apparently convinced that Sherlock's acting on Mycroft's behalf! So that suggests to me that Mycroft would like to act against him but can't... and I can't see it being Mary that's stopping him, because she's a recent complication, and if he really wanted I'm sure he could have got her off the scene one way or another - by telling John who she is, for instance! I hope you come up with an interesting theory from your ruminations.


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