Richard III, Anna Massey, and refurbishing my bedroom

Jul 04, 2011 20:00

1) Thanks to The Guardian, for praising Richard III's public record on today's leader page.

2) ( Farewell to the beautiful Anna Massey, who died yesterday )

film, history, newspapers, death, house

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Comments 28

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kalypso_v July 4 2011, 22:33:43 UTC
I think I'm probably being too feeble in wanting Hammonds to come in and sort it all out for me; maybe I should accept the idea of having to keep all my clothes on the floor for a few months while I try to hunt down something I really like. But I find the whole research thing terribly tiring.

One problem is that the cats prefer being sick on carpet to wood or lino. I occasionally try to move them once they start gulping, but they always seem to head back again.


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kalypso_v July 5 2011, 15:47:37 UTC
The brochure which has now arrived suggests they also do a room in Chestnut Oak, but there's no picture of it, nor any mention of it on the website, so maybe they'd discontinued that range. It also seemed to be the most expensive.

The Neville Johnson one looks possible, though I find their website rather awkward. I've ordered a brochure and if it looks good maybe I can go and look at their show room at the weekend.

I hadn't really thought of having the wooden boards polished, but I suppose it's a possibility (though if it looks like the bit in the upstairs loo, it might be rather bright); I did have a wooden floor plus rug in my bedroom as a teenager, and it's not as if there's often someone downstairs to be annoyed by the noise from upstairs. I don't think they're sick in that room more than any other. Probably the kitchen (the carpeted bit), the hall and the landing are the most popular areas for it.


raincitygirl July 4 2011, 22:15:30 UTC
I'm definitely not crazy about the dark wood, and I'm lukewarm on the off-white, but I do quite like the blonde wood. Or should it be blond? I don't know. At any rate, Rosie looks equally stylish with any wood.


kalypso_v July 4 2011, 22:37:09 UTC
I rather like it in itself, but somehow it doesn't seem quite right for this house.

There's one called Serenity (designed for Firefly fans?) in which I quite like the birch doors, but I think they may be a bit too pale for my purposes.


clanwilliam July 4 2011, 22:38:02 UTC
Any reason you couldn't pull off the carpet and have the floorboards done instead? And then find a carpenter who'd do you nice painted wood doors in a colour of your choosing? A couple of rugs would sort the thermal bits and if you got washable ones, it'd be easier to clean up catsick.


kalypso_v July 4 2011, 22:42:48 UTC
Lack of energy, and a fear of having to live with my clothes on the floor for months, mostly. But I have screwed myself up to send an email in the attempt to track down the carpenter used by a friend of a friend of a friend and to find out whether that's a realistic possibility.


archbishopm July 5 2011, 00:39:37 UTC
All's I can advise is (a) wall-to-wall carpets are evil incarnate and (b) don't put a vanity mirror where you'll be likely to catch yourself reflected in it should you sit bolt upright in the dead of night unless you are fairly confident that your secret midnight self does not look like a ghastly undead spectre come to swallow your soul.


kalypso_v July 5 2011, 01:30:49 UTC
I'm afraid the one snag of realigning the bed from east-west to north-south is that I will be right opposite the mirror over the sink. But I don't sit bolt upright in the dead of night very often.


archbishopm July 5 2011, 01:44:50 UTC
I don't sit bolt upright in the dead of night very often.

Ooh, you know, I didn't think I did either, till the Mirror Situation arose.


kalypso_v July 5 2011, 01:52:55 UTC
Perhaps I can get a curtain, or veil or something to drape over it.


vilakins July 5 2011, 07:26:37 UTC
I like the first one and rather like the last, though I think it's too light and modern for your place.


kalypso_v July 5 2011, 15:52:51 UTC
And the style of the walnut doors seems a little stark. But I'm pursuing a couple of other suggestions, so maybe I'll find something that suits me somewhere.


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