After the success of the sanded and polished floor in
my new-look bedroom, I decided I'd do the same in the dining-room. This happened over three days this week.
The dining-room with the old carpet - I'd removed the furniture and curtains but not yet the books.
Here, the floorboards have been bared.
And now they've been sanded.
And stained, as I wanted them darker.
And here's the finished effect after the second coat of varnish.
We hoped there'd be nice ceramics under the carpet where the old fireplace had been, as there were in my bedroom, but no...
The sanders brought in some reclaimed timber to fill the gap.
The final version. We did discuss whether to do fancy footwork with the boards, so it wasn't squared off like this, but I decided it didn't matter all that much. It's obvious there used to be a fireplace, so it's part of the history of the room.
The finished floorboards, in starring role:
Just to prove the room has more than one corner -
...and another -
I may put up another picture next week when the curtains and furniture are back - and I'm aware that I never added a picture of the completed bedroom after the wardrobes were finished, so I might do that at the same time.
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