At least I had an excuse to watch a lot of Big Bang and Stargate,

Mar 08, 2010 13:32

So this weekend, instead of going on a mini road trip with my sister to see family and friends, I spent a few days in bed with my husband, but not in a fun way because we were both busy throwing up due to what we think was salmonella. We were both much better by Sunday, however I came down with my fourth head cold in six months that same day, so my ( Read more... )

health (or lack thereof), raised by geeks, ernie

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Comments 11

eattheolives March 8 2010, 22:11:45 UTC
Sorry about the sickness, but oh my word what a hilarious quote!


aelfgyfu_mead March 9 2010, 01:22:09 UTC
Ick! I hope you're all over the stomach problem now, and that the head cold is on its way out!


kerravonsen March 9 2010, 04:05:48 UTC
"No, those books are not for you. When you're bigger, you can read them, but you have to read The Hobbit first. They're very good, J.R.R. Tolkien wrote about good stuff like friendship and teamwork. Which you will learn about as soon as you are big enough to watch Stargate."
Yes, it is pretty awesome.


thothmes March 9 2010, 04:37:06 UTC
Oh, sympathies. There is nothing in the way of illness I hate more than anything, anything that makes me barfy. I send you virtual tea and toast, and wishes for a speedy recooperation. My husband-the-physician always prescribes plenty of rest and fluids (duh!) and just a small amount of carbohydrate with salt (as in one saltine, or one or two potato chips) nibbled slowly, which will help the fluids to absorb more quickly. And he says small sips every few minutes.

I'm glad Ernie has already mastered the most important aspects of child raising. This bodes well for the future of our country.

If you get to the point where you want to read stuff that is not too thinky, and not too long, remember I have left you a birthday fic here. However, please remember that I would feel awful if you were pushing yourself to read it to be nice. You, Mr. Bill and Bear come first, then comes the necessary pamper-you time, and way down on the list somewhere comes politeness.

Get better. Tell that food to stop trying to poison you!


kalquessa March 9 2010, 07:30:24 UTC
Oh thank you for the birthday fic! And thank you for letting me know about it, I have so little time to read LJ anymore, I would never have realized I'd missed it.


thothmes March 9 2010, 07:42:37 UTC
I figured. Babies will do that. You are busy, busy, busy all day, and hardly have a moment to take care of life's necessities, let alone frivolities, and then someone without a baby comes along and asks you what you did all day, and it's hard to tell them. But it's ultimately sooo worth it.


kalquessa March 9 2010, 18:58:05 UTC
and then someone without a baby comes along and asks you what you did all day, and it's hard to tell them.

I called my sister once before I had kids, and when I asked her what she'd done the day before, she paused and then sighed and said "See, here's the thing: I have a very busy, fulfilling life, but it doesn't sound all that great because it involves so much scraping peanut butter off of things."


ayoub March 9 2010, 11:30:35 UTC
Awwwwww :(

*hugs you*


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