They're playing our song

Sep 19, 2009 13:01

Bear and I have discovered our official song as a couple:

"You Ruined Everything" by Jonathan Coulton

Lyrics and a gratuitous baby pic from this morning under the cut!

You ruined everything in the nicest way... )

bear, photo posts, music

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Comments 18

sartorias September 19 2009, 20:13:36 UTC
What a darling!


l_jade September 19 2009, 20:29:07 UTC
Eeeee.... \0/ :)


stargazercmc September 19 2009, 20:47:36 UTC
The adorableness! Look at that chin! Eeeeeee!!

(Heading so see my particular dollop of adorableness in just a few minutes, actually. He's on the verge of 3 lbs. - if not today, then probably tomorrow.)


kalquessa September 19 2009, 20:50:50 UTC
Grow, Colin, grow! *waves pom poms one-handed*


travels_in_time September 19 2009, 20:55:49 UTC

Lookit those wide-awake little eyes! And his teeny fingers! He's ready to spring into action at any moment!

Although...*squints* They seem to have forgotten to paint the eyebrows on at the factory.


kalquessa September 19 2009, 22:03:59 UTC
I know, Mr. Bill and I were just explaining to him yesterday that he needs to grow eyebrows because if he doesn't he won't be able to properly communicate irony.


whitemartyr September 19 2009, 20:59:46 UTC
Awwwwwwww. :)


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