In which I lose and SG-1 wins

Jan 12, 2008 15:47

ME: Okay, guys, tomorrow is Gen Fic Day, and I think I'd like to do something angsty and slightly dark with the team being sold into slavery and arena combat. I'm thinking Season Five, or maybe Season Seven. Your thoughts?

JACK: I call POV!

ME: Okay, but are you sure you want it in this fic? With the angst and darkness?

SAM: Actually, we're thinking more along the lines of oddball humor as opposed to angst.

DANIEL: And maybe some slightly cracky bits, just for fun.

TEAL'C: I plan to make reference to Star Wars.

SAM: Oh, and if we're going to do arena combat, I think it would be funny if--

ME: Um...guys? Did you miss the part where I wanted to do angst and darkness?

JACK: No, we just like our idea better.

ME: *slightly desperate* What's wrong with my idea?

DANIEL: Nothing, we ours better. Oh, and we'll be setting it in Season Eight, not Five or Seven.


TEAL'C: We have also decided to replace your five poetically exquisite paragraphs describing our tribulations in medias res with a brief, humorous summary, delivered after the fact.

ME: I, uh...I guess we that.

JACK: Good! Then I think we're done, here.

ME: Uh...yeah. I guess we are.

JACK: *beams* I'm glad we had this talk!

stargate, arguments with fictional characters, writing

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