
Nov 08, 2007 10:05

zababby has new pictures posted! Click here for cuteness!

These shots feature his parents as well as Mr. Bill and yours truly. Just to warn you: Bill and I cannot resist mimicking the Babby's hilarious facial expressions and gestures. So just for the record, we normally don't make faces like that. Much ( Read more... )

photo posts, babby

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Comments 10

jelly_doughnut November 8 2007, 19:31:23 UTC
But cute baby pictures are never really amiss, are they?

Nope! Not at all!


supplyship November 8 2007, 20:00:24 UTC
Darling babby! *pinches the chubby cheeks*


mollyringle November 8 2007, 21:18:16 UTC
*dies of the cute squishy babyness*

Aw, I miss the days when we could stick our finger in his mouth to soothe him. If we tried that now, we would get our hands mangled by Toddler Fangs.

You two look good holding a baby. No pressure, just saying. :)


kalquessa November 9 2007, 00:51:03 UTC
Yeah, Babby's already starting to reject the finger ploy. He's like "Um, seriously, guys, how dumb do you think I am? Milk does not come out of this."

You two look good holding a baby. No pressure, just saying. :)

Oh trust me, we know. I am making lots of threats to Mr. Bill's health if he does anything else that puts off the baby-having stage of my Great Plan for the Future. The Baby Fever isn't the worst part, though, it's the fact that my sister- and mother-in-law keep coming up with elaborate schemes for how I could start having kids right this instant. Some of them involve suspending cradles from the ceiling to get around our current space constraints. It's truly terrifying.


mollyringle November 10 2007, 22:05:41 UTC
You're putting up quite gracefully with all those hints, sounds like. I was totally stressed about the Future Baby before I got pregnant, even though I did want one. I look forward to cheering you on with great exuberance when your mama time does arrive!


ayoub November 8 2007, 21:37:23 UTC
Awwwww :D

Much cuteness!


green_tea_lady November 9 2007, 00:43:03 UTC, often. A lot!


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