for posterity (post tags are accurate)

Jan 17, 2020 19:59

Okay, but aside from Once Upon a Forest, the apocalyptic crackverse AU Michigan is unfolding in its newscycle, and my enthusiastic but ultimately non-specific declarations of love for S9, 10, and 15: I feel like I often struggle to express how very seriously I take Sam and Dean, their experiences, and the way I feel about them. Mostly because I don ( Read more... )

fandom: spn, i can't watch tv like a normal person

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Comments 2

amberdreams January 18 2020, 09:36:33 UTC
*But I also don't think my love for Sam and Dean would be well-served by acting like they're from an experimental arthouse French-Mime-Movie-In-Wichita movie.* - and can you imagine Dean's reaction if he found himself inside an experimental arthouse movie? Ha!


kalliel January 18 2020, 13:05:55 UTC
Given Michael's taste in hats, maybe that's where he initially put Dean, before moving him to the bar. XDD He wanted to break and torture Dean but then he was like, "ugh, this genre is too complicated" and just went for "Cheers but sad."


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