Once Upon a Purgatory

Jan 17, 2020 18:59

Is anyone else familiar with the movie, Once Upon a Forest? It came out in the early 90s and I feel like it's probably obscure enough that only a very specific sliver of the population has ever heard of it, much less seen it enough times to still recall basically the entire movie. Every time I start talking to someone about this movie, they think I ( Read more... )

fandom: spn, spn x

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Comments 2

aerynsun5 January 20 2020, 18:40:02 UTC
Oh, dude, I have to find this movie! How did I not know about it?



kalliel January 20 2020, 19:23:32 UTC
Please do! It's an unsung hero of a film. Plus now you can think about Dean and Castiel as woodland creatures on thrilling adventure to recover a fancy plant. :P (Realistically--inasmuch as this word applies to any of this lol--both Dean and Castiel are probably Abigail, and then Dean is also Russell and Castiel is also Edgar.)



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