As previously threatened: smut prompts

Aug 19, 2007 15:54

We had quite a lively discussion about smut cliches in fanfiction, at least of the Doctor Who persuasion, some time back, and I threatened to detail some of the items in question for a smut challenge of sorts.  In the interest of bringing that discussion to the masses, I thought I'd throw down the gauntlet here and see who's interested.  Is it really a challenge?  Not exactly.  I'll just list a series of prompts as inspired by that discussion, and let you do with them as you will.

My particular bent is Doctor (Nine or Ten)/Rose, but hey, it's a free world, do what you will.

The original discussion post was f-locked, so I won't credit anyone initially for any of these ideas as I'm posting the prompts publicly.  If you participated, and want some credit, I'll be glad to go back and make an edit to this post.  Just pipe up.

And for the record -- I'm not at all saying that any story that includes these is automatically bad!fic, or genius, or whatever.  It's all about context, writing style, the situation, etc.  ... in other words, I'm not slamming anyone, just having a bit of fun with a genre that is near and dear to my heart.

Without further ado, the prompts.  ::drumroll::  Take as many, or as few, of these as you care to.

Scenario prompts:
  •  Amusing interjections.  "You're on my hair!", "Ow, my eye!", or "Is it supposed to bend like that?" 
  • The Doctor and Viagra -- they're pretty little blue pills after all, and he's fond of edible ball bearings.
  • Binary vascular system = no refractory period.  May be lumped in with "superhuman endurance," wherein at least one party starts out desperately trying to hold on for a few more seconds, yet somehow manages to make it for another two thousand words.  
  • Does size matter?  Most stories have the Doctor so impressively endowed that there's several moments of adjustment needed, but what about a fic where Rose asks the Doctor if he's in yet?
  • I don't recall ever having read a story where Rose fakes an orgasm.
Dialogue prompts:
  • The Doctor asks Rose if she's sure, right before intercourse, and she decides she isn't.  "You know what? Now that you mention it, this DOES change everything, let's put our clothes back on and just be friends."
  • Or, the "oops, I didn't mean to do that" scenario:
    "Are you sure?"
    "Oh. No, actually. I just threw you up against the table and started ripping your clothes off looking for a contact. See? Here it is."
    "Oh. Er. Okay. And the, um, snogging?"
    "I really like your new toothpaste."
  • The Doctor's 900 years of experience comes back to him -- but in the wrong order.
    "Sorry -- don't you like that sort of thing?"
    "No, it's weird. And it hurt!"
    "Sorry -- could have sworn that was humans. What about this?"
    "Um...tickles? A little?"

fiction, smut

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