Title: Sneezing Kneazle
kalina_blueRating: PG-13
Prompt Set: 100.1 (Draco/Hermione)
Prompt: 79. Sickness
Word Count: 200
Summary: Draco and Hermione are late for Narcissa's Christmas party.
Warnings: Post-DH, established relationship
A/N: Written for the Christmas Challenge at
dhr_xmasfic. On the First Day of Christmas My True Love Gave to Me... One Sneezing Kneazle.
here to see my Dramione table for
"Hermione, hurry up, would you. We're late for my mother's Christmas party," Draco shouted. He was already standing at the door of their apartment, wearing his dress robes and a scowl. His mother disliked tardiness almost as much as manual labour, and she'd let him feel her disapproval the whole night if they'd arrive late.
"I'm almost ready," Hermione shouted back. She had given him the same reply five minutes ago, and Draco was getting impatient.
"Hermione-" Draco stopped shouting abruptly when Hermione finally hurried out of their bedroom, wearing dark green dress robes. "You look beautiful," Draco said, his mother momentarily forgotten.
"Thank you," Hermione smiled. "I'm sorry I'm so late, but I had to take Crookshanks to the vet today. I thought he might be sick."
"Yeah, yeah, let's just get going. I doubt my mother would accept one sneezing kneazle as valid excuse for tardiness."
"Half-kneazle, actually." Hermione grinned. "And I didn't know you were so afraid of your mother."
"I'm not." Draco shot back, ushering her out of the door. "I'm afraid of what I'll do if the woman nags me the whole evening. I hear it's bad manners to hex your mother on Christmas."