Fic: The Space Between (Draco/Hermione) Chapter 5

Oct 24, 2010 21:55

Disclaimer: I don't own Harry Potter and I don't make any money with this.

Title: The Space Between (Chapter 5/7)
Author: kalina_blue
Rating: R (barely)
Pairing: Draco/Hermione
Word Count: 4553
Summary: A Halloween costume has some rather unexpected consequences.
Warnings: Post-DH, EWE.
A/N: Written for ldymusyc’s request for the 2009 Halloween Trick or Treat ( Read more... )

fandom: harry potter (books), ship: draco/hermione, fanfiction: halloween, fanfiction: multi-chaptered, fanfiction: wip, fanfiction: gift, fic: the space between, fanfiction

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Comments 7

gardengirl6 October 24 2010, 23:28:25 UTC
"I wish you a miserable Christmas, an unhappy New Year, and may the continuous disappointment in your only son cause you to develop an ulcer so bad no mediwizard can cure it."

That's class right there!

"If you want to spend Christmas with a whole bunch of Muggles, that's fine by me. What kind of gift are you getting Potter?"

Leave it to Blaise to ask difficult questions when Draco's hungover....

Thanks for the update!


teenage_hustler October 25 2010, 20:00:58 UTC
your dracos and hermiones, and the chemistry you create between them, are amazing.
still loving this story. can't wait for the next chapter! :)


borax38 October 26 2010, 09:23:07 UTC
This story is amazing! I love how you wrote the interactions between Draco and Hermione, and how their relationship is evolving. Not only that, but all the other characters are well developed too, and have a story of their own.

What kind of gift are you getting Potter?

And that has to be one of the best lines ever!


A-Freaking-Mazing poisedbutterfly November 3 2010, 02:58:51 UTC
I loved this story. I'm not a huge fan of fanfics but this one really grabs your attention and runs with it.

Can't wait for your next installment.


strawberry_kait November 17 2010, 16:34:05 UTC
Really enjoying this story. So glad to see I had missed a couple updates :)

Kudos & thanks for sharing it!


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