Drabble It Forward

Dec 10, 2008 02:52

Snagged this from luvscharlie . Oh, and if anyone is wondering why I never completed the pictures meme, when I tried to do the pictures I realised my computer doesn't recognize my camera anymore. So, that meme is on hold until I can get the camera fixed.

Drabble it forward: Make a post inviting people to request drabbles in the fandoms you write; any number of commenters you can handle. But the catch is, once someone makes a request, they also have to post the meme, and drabble it forward.

So, the first 5 comments (if I get that many) will get a drabble, but remember if you make a request, you have to drabble too. Doesn't matter if you offer two or five or twenty, just send along some cheer.

So put something like this in a reply, and let's go!

Fandom: [I'm only writing Harry Potter]
Pairing: (if any)

ETA: One spot is still open.

fanfiction: prompts, lj: meme

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