One Line Arch to the Sky Pt III (Due South, PG)

Aug 02, 2011 10:25

The last of our rounds of one-line prompts, and once again just about everyone from Mike Chase to Diefenbaker turns up in here.

Part I - Part II - Part III

Author :: Character :: Prompt

sl_walker :: Chase :: Bees
When Russ told him about the bees, Mike wasn't sure whether he wanted to laugh or wince more.

kalijean :: Mitchell :: Transfer
After the transfer, somewhere along the line Mitchell found himself quietly picking up after himself.

sl_walker :: Frannie :: Sneak
She heard her brother sneaking into the house late at night, but for the life of her, she couldn't figure out where the heck he was.

kalijean :: Diefenbaker :: Turnbull
This one was good for more than donuts; when Dief was in the mood for a full spread, he need only hang around the Tall One long enough.

sl_walker :: Kowalski :: Cheat
Ray had to wonder, as he watched the teams on the ice, if it would be cheating to write Turnbull and ask again about this curling thing.

kalijean :: Fraser :: Duet
Fraser could correct Ray's pitch if he'd truly wanted to teach the man to sing, but he found in his blindness he wouldn't have changed that voice for anything.

kalijean :: Huey :: Fight
Huey felt like he didn't have any fight left in him after Gardino died; something in him got buried with his partner.

sl_walker :: Buck :: Caroline
He only visited her grave once himself, and when he did, he knelt and took off his hat as a gentleman is supposed to for a true lady.

kalijean :: Elaine :: Torch
Sometimes she still called Frannie, and at finding out the girl was carrying a torch for Turnbull, that 'What?!' came out a lot sharper than she'd meant it to.

sl_walker :: Turnbull :: Buck
He could occasionally see a wily flash in Sergeant Frobisher's eyes, and it was with that in mind that he reacted the way he did to that entirely ridiculous speech; it seemed they both, perhaps, were in on the same joke.

kalijean :: Meg :: Buck
The man was flatulent, sure, but having to share a bed for warmth, she'd take noxious over perverted any day.

sl_walker :: Dewey :: Dream
Dewey liked to pretend that he didn't have any dreams, but sometimes they whispered to him just before he fell asleep, reminding him that they were still there, even if he never had the balls to chase them.

kalijean :: Kowalski :: Vecchio
"He doesn't always show it, and he's got his problems with authority, but he's a real stand-up guy underneath; you ever tell him I said this, Kowalski, and I'll have you by the scruff of the neck, but you've got some big shoes to fill."

sl_walker :: Frannie :: Queer
Whenever she thought the word 'queer' these days, Frannie felt sick; she wasn't sure if it was because of Ray, or because she was starting to think that the tone she thought it in was really ugly.

kalijean :: Welsh :: Thatcher
Of all the Canadians he had to put up with, Thatcher was the least off, and it was then he realized the curve of off had gotten really sharp somewhere before he noticed and he was long settled in to bizarro theater.

sl_walker :: Turnbull :: Tracy Jenkins
Renfield was reminded all over again of how much Ray loved him when he didn't wince too badly at Tracy Jenkins playing on the radio of the Riv.

kalijean :: Vecchio :: Possession
He was pretty sure it was because of the joke he made after the whole neck-marking thing, but after looking down to see Property of Constable Renfield Turnbull, RCMP, Keep Off in marker across his own thigh, he wore it to work underneath his suit.

sl_walker :: Turnbull :: Baseball
He blinked at the new rookie for the Cubs on the screen, shivered, and then immediately changed the Consulate's television to some other channel.

kalijean :: Fraser :: Envy
The first time Ray put himself between Fraser and an apparent admirer, talking quickly and belligerently, he had a niggle of deja-vu that he was still trying to work out.

sl_walker :: Mrs. Turnbull :: THE TALK
"Here. These books should adequately explain everything you need to know. If you have any other questions, dear, please let me know after I've finished grading papers."

kalijean :: Kowalski :: Muldoon
Sometimes Kowalski wondered what it was about Fraser that attracted super villains; one day he was gonna give the guy a mask and a cape and see if he wore 'em.

sl_walker :: Myra :: Crush
Her first crush had been on Fred Astaire, and her seven-year-old heart had been broken when she was told that he was far, far too old for her and already married; regardless, when he died in '87, she sat down and watched a few of her favorite movies and remembered when she thought she could be Ginger.

kalijean :: Turnbull :: Chase
I can only imagine what my Field Training Officer thought of me at first; I am pleased with my detachment, in any case, and continue to settle in.

sl_walker :: Guy :: 3:36AM
When Guy dialed, supporting a bloodied Longfellow, he already knew who would take that call at 3:36AM.

kalijean :: Longfellow :: Safety
Sometimes - just sometimes - things would settle, and there wouldn't be any practical jokes or bad trips or fights, there was just quiet, and he wouldn't tell anybody, but he liked those times.

sl_walker :: Kowalski :: Bucket
Ray called the Riv a bucket, but the truth was, he felt a pang of sadness when that car ended up in the lake... after he was done getting over the insanity, anyway.

kalijean :: Turnbull :: Uneasy
There was a look in the woman's eye that made Turnbull uneasy, but nobody was speaking up, and there was no proof; that one bothered him for days until he was, inevitably, back at the same house.

sl_walker :: Chase :: Tree
"Turnbull might be willing to stand here and coax you down, but I'm not -- get the hell out of that tree, Laurent, or I'm going to chainsaw it down with you in it!"

kalijean :: Severn :: Snow
God only knew where Mike had been keeping that carrot, and while Severn had been delightedly informed that the snowman was meant to be him, he couldn't honestly see the resemblance.

sl_walker :: Longfellow :: Lick
Longfellow licked at his teeth just to make sure all of them were still there.

kalijean :: Guy :: Chase
There was nothing else to be done for it; Guy belched, shrugged, and opened his arms once again to the four winds, leaving only a single imprint in the snow by Chase.

sl_walker :: Guy :: Lennox!
For some reason, the blond he met at that particular bonspiel was surprisingly easy to talk to without having to say much of anything at all.

kalijean :: Fraser :: Touch
He wasn't one to shy from touch, and neither did Fraser usually seek it; however, there was a strange uneasiness to being touched while sentry, unable to move or object, and he wanted the woman to stop.

sl_walker :: Tony :: Weird
Tony didn't think there was anything weird about his brother-in-law being elusive, despite Maria fretting about it, not even when it turned out Ray was banging another guy -- it wasn't like there was a whole lot of room for sex in this house.

kalijean :: Kowalski :: Break
Kowalski drank his coffee on his break, and Dewey drank his coffee on his break, it's just how it was and they didn't usually talk; but man, right after the fake funeral, he felt kinda stupid about it but he still reached over and gave Dewey a clap on the shoulder.

sl_walker :: Frannie :: Fool
Her face was burning when she went into work the next day, but everyone was so focused on Ray that they didn't care about what a fool she had been.

kalijean :: Diefenbaker :: Vecchio
It was counterintuitive, but humans often were; Talker would appear far more belligerent just before giving Diefenbaker precisely what he wanted, and the more often that Talker gave in, the more often Benton gave up on attempting to discourage the donuts.

sl_walker :: Elaine :: Business
When Elaine took down her first suspect on the beat and only shook for an hour afterward, she knew she was ready for this business.

kalijean :: Dewey :: Nervous
When Frannie walked in the next day with a red face and a bad case of the nerves, Dewey hadn't looked at her either, but he did sneak a cup of coffee onto her desk.

sl_walker :: Turnbull :: Glass
Renfield traded the boy a Canadian dollar for a single marble, simply because it came reasonably close to the shade of Ray's green eyes.

kalijean :: Vecchio :: Fear
The first time he saw that look in his boyfriend's eyes - a thousand miles away - he knew too damn well exactly what it was, and he never wanted to see it on Ren.

sl_walker :: Fraser :: Snap
There was the sharp snap of a branch breaking and Ben tried harder, faster, to light a fire alone in the darkness, trembling.

kalijean :: Turnbull :: Demand
You will stop that this instant or I shall wallop you with a spoon, he thought to himself, but telepathy was beyond him and his sister's words echoed pointlessly in his mind as the spitball hit him.

sl_walker :: Guy :: Young
When the young man came up to try to join them in their illicit dealings, he promptly turned him away -- too young, too young, too stupid to make that choice yet.

kalijean :: Vecchio :: Soft
His hair was soft, perfectly shaped around the ears, babied and cared for; it was, until it one day it was gone and Frannie did a double-take as he walked down the hall.

sl_walker :: Bob :: Leaf
Bob picked up the perfect red maple leaf and smiled at it, then turned and handed it to Caroline, an impromptu little gift.

kalijean :: Welsh :: Ghosts
There weren't any ghosts in the morgue, just Mort, and for a guy that was so comfortable with stiffs, Welsh figured he was pretty damn alive.

sl_walker :: Diefenbaker :: Welsh
The Wide One often glared at him, but just as often slipped him a cookie or part of a sandwich; Diefenbaker was glad that they had an understanding.

kalijean :: Fraser :: Abandonment
Fraser pat the stray before pulling her from the seat to take in to the shelter; he couldn't understand the callousness of man, sometimes, to simply forget about something once loved.

kalijean :: Stella :: Shatter
She didn't want to be the one to shatter Ray's dreams, but why didn't he just listen when she said it wasn't something she wanted instead of charging ahead like if he just waited around long enough it would change?

sl_walker :: Vecchio :: Lid
He went to say something -- he wasn't even sure what -- to Benny... then he told himself to put a lid on it, because he didn't even know what it was gonna be.

kalijean :: Turnbull :: Maggie Mackenzie
It wasn't until both Constable Fraser and Detective Vecchio (the second) had exited the consulate, sniffing around Constable Mackenzie, that he allowed himself a disgruntled look.

sl_walker :: Myra :: Flop
Renfield flopped face first on his bed and Myra just shook her head with a little smile as she got him undressed and under the covers; apparently, the trip to the newly opened CN Tower had worn him out.

kalijean :: Casey Mackenzie :: Second chances
It was always there, the lies he told, no matter how deeply he loved her; she was his second chance, his redemption, and his crime, too.

sl_walker :: Ma Vecchio :: Toddler
She watched Maria's children as they grew; from babies, to toddlers, to children, and thanked everything good that they would never know what it was to be struck by someone who should love them.

kalijean :: Kowalski :: Scars
Ray traced the scar at Fraser's thigh a while; even he'd hit the guy in his time, but he still couldn't stop feeling some stab of awful at the idea somebody did anything like this to him.

kalijean :: Turnbull :: Gentle
Kip stopped in the middle of the bouncing play to give Sally a gentle lick on the muzzle, and Renfield couldn't help giving them both a fur-ruffle simply for seeing it.

sl_walker :: Huey :: Itch
Huey felt his tongue starting to itch and swung a look to "Vecchio", who'd brought him a cup of coffee in a rare gesture of generosity.

kalijean :: Elaine :: Courage
Elaine thought about calling Ray up directly and checking on him, because coming out like that had to take some kind of courage, but she realized with a little pang that she didn't have access to Turnbull's number.

sl_walker :: Turnbull Twins :: Renfield
It was an entirely surreal feeling to have a brother that he didn't understand the language of; so much was evident, the one time they tried to take Renfield fishing.

kalijean :: Meg :: Dinner
She'd dismissed Turnbull an hour before, working late and allowing herself a solitary mood, when he brought her a plate of pasta and a glass of water.

arch to the sky, fic, due south

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