If it's any consolation, I've had a colonoscopy (colon cancer gallops in my family) and they really aren't bad. The prep the day before is a huge annoyance, but the procedure itself doesn't hurt, and the sedation isn't scary at all - it's like that moment when you're waking up, but aren't quite awake yet. Personally, I did remember parts of it, and was awake enough to talk to the technician. (I was told that's unusual.) But it mainly consisted of lying on a cold gurney being groggy and bored, and watching the inside of my intestines on a monitor. The inside of an intestine is very dull, so if you don't remember it, you aren't missing much.
That's certainly good to hear. I keep thinking, what if it's unbelievable torture, but it doesn't "count" because I don't remember it? The besetting sin of the sf fan, I guess. ANAL PROBE. gah.
Erk. But I will keep your reassurance in mind; thank you. =D
Being British reading entries like this is like reading some sort of literature from another planet. If you need a medical procedure here you get it - you might have to wait a few weeks unless you pay but you still get it with minimal fuss. Its unbelievable that they're making you go through something so unnecessary just so that you can get the go ahead for the procedure you really need.
I hope all goes well and that you get the treatment you need soon.
I know! It made the whole ridculousness a few months ago re: NHS so completely insane sounding. It's not like we don't have waiting periods here either.
and they wonder why our healthcare is so expensive and yet so terrible.
It really makes me want to go out and kill Republicans. *laughs* I remember when political discussions didn't seem so... close to home.
involved drinking a few measly quarts of barium - uh, yeah man, WORD to the gross (did you have to drink the crystals too? i don't know what they are but GROSS!)
Colonoscopy - my mom had to have one a couple years ago, she claims 'awful, but not as bad as feared' (don't know if that is comforting or not...)
Just checked out your journal after re-reading the fantastic "Dorian."
If you don't mind a personal comment from a random lurker... I am so sorry that you're going through this. But I can sympathize, because I'm also an academic with an exciting history of auto-immune and digestive illnesses (and dad-cancer, too, sadly). Lucky us! ;-)
I'm going to go out on a limb and recommend this website which has incredibly helped me to eat actual food without nasty symptoms: http://www.helpforibs.com/
I really hope those tests will help you to get better soon... and back into fine fic-writing form.
But I can sympathize, because I'm also an academic with an exciting history of auto-immune and digestive illnesses (and dad-cancer, too, sadly). Lucky us! ;-)
Oh no! I wonder if it's related to books somehow...? Or... too much television? *g* Thank you so much for the website - it looks super helpful. You are awesome. And thanks for your comments... I love them all. =D
I wonder if it's related to books somehow That must be it! *g* Like a word-hangover from the debauchery of reading.
I hope you'll feel better soon!
Also, I just noticed that you have an Amanda Palmer music tag. Yay! I have been sort of embarrassingly obsessed with AFP ever since seeing her play last summer--right after she and Neil Gaiman "came out" about their relationship. He was up onstage looking so adorably awkward. And, man, can she make a keyboard look sexy!
Do you mind if I friend you? I'd love to keep in touch (though I don't really do much on LJ).
Comments 45
Erk. But I will keep your reassurance in mind; thank you. =D
I hope all goes well and that you get the treatment you need soon.
and they wonder why our healthcare is so expensive and yet so terrible.
It really makes me want to go out and kill Republicans. *laughs* I remember when political discussions didn't seem so... close to home.
Thanks for good wishes; they're much appreciated.
Colonoscopy - my mom had to have one a couple years ago, she claims 'awful, but not as bad as feared' (don't know if that is comforting or not...)
*gentle hugs*
If you don't mind a personal comment from a random lurker... I am so sorry that you're going through this. But I can sympathize, because I'm also an academic with an exciting history of auto-immune and digestive illnesses (and dad-cancer, too, sadly). Lucky us! ;-)
I'm going to go out on a limb and recommend this website which has incredibly helped me to eat actual food without nasty symptoms: http://www.helpforibs.com/
I really hope those tests will help you to get better soon... and back into fine fic-writing form.
Oh no! I wonder if it's related to books somehow...? Or... too much television? *g* Thank you so much for the website - it looks super helpful. You are awesome. And thanks for your comments... I love them all. =D
And yes, hopefully more fic soon!
That must be it! *g* Like a word-hangover from the debauchery of reading.
I hope you'll feel better soon!
Also, I just noticed that you have an Amanda Palmer music tag. Yay! I have been sort of embarrassingly obsessed with AFP ever since seeing her play last summer--right after she and Neil Gaiman "came out" about their relationship. He was up onstage looking so adorably awkward. And, man, can she make a keyboard look sexy!
Do you mind if I friend you? I'd love to keep in touch (though I don't really do much on LJ).
*grin* Amanda Palmer totally rocks. I was actually at the event where they "came out", and adorably awkward is exactly the right word, *g*.
Friending is always welcome, and I can see we've much in common!
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