Possible spoilers for Torchwood: COE

Jul 18, 2009 09:25

I started to watch Torchwood: Children of Earth last night.

Um, when did this show actually get weighty, toothy, and actually watchable? I admit to making it a sport of mocking Torchwood due to the fact that I think John Barrowman's acting on the show generally veers between wooden and campy (and sometimes both) and because I think Ianto has about ( Read more... )

read your goddamn e-mails, tv, crabs of terror, marvel, comics, things that are awesome, video clips, awesome

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Comments 10

angelophile July 18 2009, 19:54:17 UTC
Torchwood god good sometime in its second series. The first few episodes of series one were often so utterly bad, I gave up watching the rest. Hard to specify a particular episode, but for me when they returned for a second series, it looked like someone had looked at it and realised it wasn't mature, it was a 15 year old boy's (or alternatively RTD's) idea of mature.

The real clincher episode for me, to demonstrate that Torchwood had actually got good, was the episode with Owen talking down the girl who was intending to jump off a roof midway through series two. Burn Gorman delivering one of my favourite TV performances.


canadabear July 18 2009, 20:17:50 UTC
Gah. As mentioned above, I do not comprehend that level of ignorance. Not to say I don't 100% believe it exists, but it would never occur to me that people with that sort of cultural inexperience are out there if it hadn't been pointed out to me.


serenada July 18 2009, 21:24:20 UTC
You have to tar Ianto with the same brush--he went hunting for his niece for the same purpose.


the_croupier July 19 2009, 04:57:19 UTC
I've already said my piece about TW: COE, though you shouldn't read it until you've seen it all.

As for Artesia, though, coming in the same week as Nexus, I was both delighted and feeling the need to poke myself to make sure I was awake.

I'm still half-expecting to see Big Numbers #3, or something equally miraculous, turn up in next week's pull. =)


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