Temper is a weapon that we hold by the blade - BASS

Jul 10, 2009 08:37

I could go on for twenty thousand words about why I was immediately seduced the word of drum and bass back in the mid-nineties (and still am happily seduced by the all the sub-genres that it's spawned ( Read more... )

comics, music, superman, awesome, you tube

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Comments 16

spectralbovine July 10 2009, 16:43:56 UTC
Ha, awesome. I want more people to say, "Do we guard what's behind the door or the door itself?"


kali921 July 10 2009, 18:04:40 UTC
The sad thing? They immediately get iced before they can finish the conversation - unless you're a Situationist (with heavy Existentialist undertones) and think the conversation is best left dangling and truncated.

The Superman book right now is getting very good - the post-Final-Crisis stories are exploding with interesting plots and unexpected tangents. Even if I really disliked most of Final Crisis, the one positive outcome is that Supes and all the New Krypton stuff is fascinating. I don't particularly like all of it, but it's gripping enough that I keep reading.


canadabear July 10 2009, 17:21:17 UTC
Kali, I think I need help. :/ WHY AM I RPING A SUN?


!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! - You need Laibach, STAT. kali921 July 10 2009, 18:09:38 UTC


You need to find and download and listen to Laibach's "Hymn to the Black Sun" RIGHT NOW and I do mean RIGHT NOW.


Hold and praise your nearest superstar
I shine bright and shed light from afar
93 million miles to be explicit
8 light minutes if you're planning a visit
See I'm the big daddy and this is his system
My turn to burn so keep on listening
I give light when all around is dark
Your choice get sparked or mark my remarks
Decade is null, decade is null, decade is null
Check it out while I burn your skull
I'm burning up now!

I want to join that thread. Who shall I jump in as?


Re: !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! - You need Laibach, STAT. canadabear July 11 2009, 03:08:03 UTC


box_in_the_box July 10 2009, 17:42:10 UTC
After Cry For Justice, I think it's a mistake to assume that self-parodies by Robinson are either a) self-aware or b) intentional.


kali921 July 10 2009, 18:05:15 UTC
This has GOT to be self-parody. I stand by that assertion!


box_in_the_box July 10 2009, 18:21:55 UTC
Coming from the guy who patted himself on the back for "finally giving Ray Palmer a personality," even though that personality consisted exclusively of having Ray do a miniaturized tap-dance on the brain of a villain, which is wrong because JEAN FUCKING LORING? No, you're giving him too much credit.


kali921 July 10 2009, 19:11:54 UTC
I read those new JL pages by Robinson and actually spent five seconds wondering whether or not this was also a parody - it's that bad. It's Mark Millar bad.


oakenguy July 10 2009, 17:48:43 UTC
I've often suspected that liberal arts majors are a prime recruiting ground for Bigbad organizations in the DCU. How else are they going to pay back those student loans?

In fact, when Luthor was President I wouldn't be at all surprised if a clause mandating 1-3 years of Mook Time for Sallie Mae defaulters was one of the first things he rammed through Congress. "It's like the Peace Corps", said his press secretary, "except....not."


kali921 July 10 2009, 18:06:56 UTC
You're in hearty agreement with Bendis on this. Because he recently wrote how HYDRA and AIM recruit heavily from liberal college students, Greenpeace, and other progressive organizations. Yeah. Because liberals = potential terrorists who want to join organizations where they become faceless minions.


oakenguy July 10 2009, 18:20:39 UTC
Whooooooa there! That was "liberal arts", not liberal students!

Bendis and I agree on exactly two things: 1)'Brian' is a nifty first name, and 2) Comics are kind of neat.


kali921 July 10 2009, 19:10:39 UTC
Sorry, sorry - my bitterness at Bendis was not directed at you! It is tempting to think of art majors deciding that joining HYDRA would simply be an ongoing experiment in performance art.

Maybe I will try to pitch that mini about a sociopathic sociology major who temps for HYDRA to work her way through college.


the_croupier July 11 2009, 02:14:39 UTC
Ohh, I've heard that track by Kemistry & Storm and never knew who it was!

The DJ Kicks discs are holding up well, aren't they? I still listen to the Kruder & Dorfmeister set.

(Speaking of K&D, I think their version of Bomb the Bass's 'Bug Powder Dust' would've made William Burroughs himself squee.)


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