Avatar teaser trailer: still some weak blancmange

Jun 23, 2009 08:00

Can someone tell me what this warning wank is about? Because I seem to have missed it, and I'm betting that there's some serious obnoxiousness being perpetuated by all sides involved.

Avatar live action teaser trailer:


One minute and forty seconds of...not that impressive stuff:

image Click to view

We get That Guy doing the ponderous voice over, a ( Read more... )

videos, this can only end in tears, casting news, robots, trailers, politics, film, things that make my head asplodey, jack kirby, holy shit, tokyo drift, giant stompy robots, awesome, japan, racism, robot overlords, wankity wank, you tube

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Comments 36

canadabear June 23 2009, 16:30:31 UTC
As cool as AiW looks, I'm just beyond sick of the Burton/Depp/Bonham Carter trifecta.


kali921 June 23 2009, 17:22:41 UTC
Ditto. I don't mind directors using one or two actors as their muse, a muse that the director honestly feels can deliver their vision with the most integrity (see Soderbergh and Clooney), but with Burton, it's getting stale.


goneformofman June 23 2009, 16:36:29 UTC
I wish the Gundam was there forever, instead of just a month or two.

I also wish I could pilot it.


kali921 June 23 2009, 17:23:28 UTC
I love that they built it almost to scale. So. Freakin'. AWESOME.


mercuryeric June 23 2009, 18:41:25 UTC
I need one of those in my yard. Fighting a lifesize animatronic Godzilla.




Ultimate Showdown of Ultimate Destiny: Back Yard Edition! kali921 June 23 2009, 18:52:16 UTC
SDF-1 vs. Jet Jaguar vs. Ultraman in your backyard: WHO WINS?!


outlawpoet June 23 2009, 16:49:53 UTC
My international headquarters will be a full-size model of the SDF-1. When people ask if it's functional, I will smile and demurr, then go downstairs and whip the chained up scientists in the basement whose job it is to make it lift off someday.


kali921 June 23 2009, 19:05:57 UTC
I will smile and demurr, then go downstairs and whip the chained up scientists in the basement whose job it is to make it lift off someday.

If I were not already mercuryeric's Minion Prime, I would consider switching allegiances to be yours. However, if you can make me an attractive offer (dental, AD&D coverage, etc.), I might still consider...an alternate career path, let us say.


outlawpoet June 23 2009, 19:21:46 UTC
Stick with him, most of my work is about doing the boring but necessary work so that people's ability to be silly is protected. I sometimes think that occasional moments of silliness are the real justification for everything else we do. Making a world where everybody is safe, supported, encouraged, and able to be silly in their own way is pretty much my entire philosophy. Everything else is arguing about implementation.

I hope to some day be successful enough that I can be deeply silly in my own way, but for the time being it's confined to what I can do in my spare moments.

If I ever make too much money, I'll probably start an organization called something like PIIDW: Pragmatic Infrastructure In Defense of Whimsy, to offer necessities and training in as cost-effective and widely available form as possible, in search of this goal.


gillan June 23 2009, 16:51:15 UTC
I've been seeing the same warning arguments in some of the political/feminist blogs I read, but it blew by pretty quick.


kali921 June 23 2009, 17:25:25 UTC


sdelmonte June 23 2009, 17:02:33 UTC
You are clearly not a member of the Church of Burton (or the Cult of Saint Johnny). Want some pamphlets? (I know that Burton is very much an acquired taste, but he's one that I am happy to have acquired.)


kali921 June 23 2009, 17:20:59 UTC
Eh. I used to love Burton, but his films have devolved more into "Depp, Bonham Carter, quirky costumes, let's make some bizarre scenery" retreads than anything I find completely immersive.


outlawpoet June 23 2009, 17:30:28 UTC
The sameness of the makeup and presentation bugs me. It's turning into a uniform for them to put on, and that's never interesting.


kali921 June 23 2009, 17:38:51 UTC
Yes - but there's always been a definable Burton visual aesthetic. That can either work really well for a director or become exhaustingly repetitive.


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