Taunt mode: ENGAGE!!

Apr 01, 2009 14:53

So, did anyone get hit with Conficker? I got into a paranoid snit yesterday about it and promptly spent three hours scanning my system with every Conficker removal tool that I could get my hands on, made sure my Webroot security suite was all up to date, backed up stuff relentlessly, scanned with Malwarebytes Anti-Malware (I've become very fond of ( Read more... )

tv, dancing, she-hulk, dreams, marvel, macros, idiocy, cat macros, technology, you tube

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Comments 10

kmousie April 1 2009, 23:26:13 UTC
That tango was awesome! And the jag picture is beautiful. ♥


kali921 April 1 2009, 23:31:03 UTC
I'm with Carrie Ann Inaba: if I hadn't known who was who, I could not have been able to tell which one of them was the professional ballroom dancer. You know, I was sort of unmoved by Gilles in the S&TC film, but each week that I watch him, he appeals to me more and more. He looks great with his hair slicked back like that, amirite? Totally thirties.

I know, the JAGS! The one on the right is so coy.


kmousie April 1 2009, 23:41:04 UTC
I'm with Carrie Ann Inaba: if I hadn't known who was who, I could not have been able to tell which one of them was the professional ballroom dancer.

Absolutely. And what a compliment!

When I saw those jags, I thought, "I love their feet!" And I dig how they're just chillin'. They're beautiful and they know it.


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kali921 April 1 2009, 23:34:28 UTC
Anti-virus programs differ in quality, through, and I think a security suite is essential. I'm sort of surprised that Norton's 2009 internet security suite got such high ratings on CNET, PC World, PC Mag, etc. Zone Alarm's security suite seems to be rapidly moving up in an obvious bid to outcompete Norton. I'd use Kaspersky, but the newest version of their anti-virus program hasn't been getting great ratings, and Kaspersky doesn't play well with other programs (or so I've heard and read).

Between Webroot's security suite, Malwarebytes, Ad-Aware, CCleaner, etc., I seem to do okay. But I'm always willing to try out recommendations for shiny new anti-virus programs.

And of course you're right, installing security patches for Windows is mandatory. But I thought everyone knew that by now.

I don't know enough about malware code to understand how people figured out that Conficker was set to go asplodey on April 1st or later. How was that determined?


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kali921 April 2 2009, 00:52:05 UTC
And if you're talking about patching a corporate network or something, that's hard. Microsoft tests its patches rigorously, but it can't test every possible scenario, and the IT guy installing the patch has to test it to make sure it doesn't interfere with something the network is supposed to be doing.

Now it's my turn to cry "April Fool's!" Because Microsoft always tests rigorously? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!! Oh, lord, no.

I work in corporate America, so I well know the vagaries of 2:00 AM server updates. :-) Whenever our company's IT department decides to do a global roll out of the latest version of anything, we take bets on how much work time we'll waste for the next week while we wait on hold for the idiots at the Help Desk to try to figure out what's wrong.


lyssie April 1 2009, 23:42:24 UTC
Oooh. I might have to read that. A girl kicking things and head-butting is always fun.


kali921 April 1 2009, 23:45:27 UTC
Yeah. There's not enough of a preview to give us an inkling of Lyra's personality, and Van Lente supposedly DOES (based on solicits) have her fighting Jen Walters in issue #2 of the mini, which is stupid beyond belief because HUR HUR FANBOYS LOVE A GOOD CATFIGHT BETWEEN HOT GREEN CHICKS, but it might be readable! Van Lente's good at humor, and there is humor here!

You know what? Every time I use my "Objection!" icon I think of you. <3 I remember the night you made that icon for me!


lyssie April 1 2009, 23:56:31 UTC
Catfights. Sigh. FAIL, MARVEL.

But she will still be punching robot-types. So, mostly yay. (my standards are so low these days, it's kinda sad)

Aw. =)


kali921 April 2 2009, 00:54:09 UTC
My standards are low, too, where Marvel is concerned. It's sad that I jump up and down in glee if I see a breast drawn in such a way that said breast looks like it's actually affected by GRAVITY.

At least Lyra here is muscled and powerful looking. Like both of her parents.


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