Jan 21, 2009 07:43

OH MY GOD, YOU GUYS, LOST IS BACK STARTING TONIGHT. Two hour S5 season premiere! I've already got butterflies in my stomach. You know that feeling where you're almost afraid to watch a new episode of something or to go see a film because you're so terrified that you'll miss something and/or you'll be disappointed? I've grown so intellectually ( Read more... )

lost, tv, politics, hilarity, comics, icons, barack obama, squeeage, awesome, icons of brilliance, you tube

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Comments 14

sdelmonte January 21 2009, 16:05:14 UTC
Apropos of nothing: did you see the Marvel solicits for April yet? Because there is something there that I suspect will make you furious. But I am so utterly reluctant to ruin your buoyant mood between Obama and Lost.


kali921 January 21 2009, 16:21:28 UTC
The Savage She-Hulk solicit? If you mean that, yeah, we've been tearing it apart over on scans_daily for a few weeks now. I did a quick peruse of the solicits, and the other one that made me see red was the Hood apparently becoming the new Sorceror Supreme.


sdelmonte January 21 2009, 17:26:01 UTC
The WHAT NOW? I missed that one. What is with Marvel and the Hood? I read part of the original BKV miniseries, and he seems to be so utterly far from that concept.

But yes, I meant the Secondary She-Hulk. Maybe Jen can file suit for copyright infringement.


kali921 January 21 2009, 17:29:46 UTC
That green woman on the SSH cover is the future!daughter of Thundra and Bruce. Why Marvel saw fit to CANCEL Shulkie's book and devote a new series to this imposter is freakin' beyond me.


pure_doxyk January 21 2009, 16:52:27 UTC
Hmm, I can't tell if that video made me want to watch Lost or avoid it like the plague.

(Nope, haven't seen even an episode. I stay a couple years behind on TV, partly on purpose and partly because I'm constantly catching up. ;)

"Lost" is still on my "eh, maybe" list. ::ducks::


QAPLA AMERICA! <3 roseofaurora January 21 2009, 18:15:34 UTC
The first two I loved the most because I'm a Battlestar Galactica AND Star Trek nerd.

I found this via my flist:

... )


outlawpoet January 21 2009, 20:32:47 UTC
Oh man, I was at a convenience store and they were playing coverage of that inauguration ball. The announcer says, "and now for the Obama's first dance as President and First Lady".

I roll my eyes at the breathlessness, and sing under my breath, "aaaaaaat laaaaasssssssst..."

ten seconds later:


*falls over*


backtothelight January 22 2009, 00:53:55 UTC
We have a President who has rhythm! *watches clip over and over again*


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