Jan 20, 2009 09:44



Ladies and gentlemen and those somewhere else on the gradient of gender identification, we have the 44th President of the United States SWORN INTO OFFICE!

WOOOOOHOOOOO!I'm at work, so I'm sadly reduced to watching it on, and I missed the first part because my fan belt is acting like maladjusted emo teen and whining so I had to ( Read more... )

politics, awesome

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Comments 30

jellied January 20 2009, 17:52:44 UTC

That being said, I realize he's just a politician-- and I hope he CAN change things for the better.


kali921 January 20 2009, 17:56:38 UTC
I like how he stumbled a bit over the oath of office, as if he just couldn't believe he was being sworn in as President. Then his usual calm and authoritative confidence came back during his speech. Eeeeeee!!


jellied January 20 2009, 18:06:22 UTC
I love that he not only reached out to Muslims, but to nonbelievers as well. And then there was the reverend who made it a point to call out every single race and color. !!!

You better not fuck this up Barack. I believe in you.


kali921 January 20 2009, 18:09:20 UTC
Grace Cathedral in San Francisco had an inter-faith service last night in honor of Obama, with blessings and prayers for the First Family from a variety of religions and spiritual traditions. I read about it in the news this morning, and it sounds like it was rather awesome. It's SO San Francisco to do something like that. :-)

And yes, he better not screw this up.


(The comment has been removed)

kali921 January 20 2009, 18:07:32 UTC
The girls looked SO ecstatic. God, what must it be like for them to watch their father be sworn in?!


roseofaurora January 20 2009, 18:05:31 UTC
I spent a good half hour looking for a site that had good streaming here in the office and settled on CNN's facebook site and LUCKILY got to watch the whole thing.

I called my co-workers to come and watch it with me. We all had goosebumps and tears in our eyes by the end of it.

The best part was when they cut to one of Obama's daughters filming her father speaking with her digital camera.

Also, the people. Wow. So many people. I've been to the Washington Mall once and that is a LOT OF PEOPLE! So happy to see the unity there. Just makes me want to hug everyone.



kali921 January 20 2009, 18:07:02 UTC
I wonder if this is the biggest crowd in U.S. history to attend an inauguration. People were SO joyous in the crowd!


roseofaurora January 20 2009, 18:48:19 UTC
Maybe relative to the US population at the time, the crowd at the Kennedy inauguration could have been comparable? But I highly doubt it! There were people everywhere, every window and balcony and accessible roof top. And then let us consider the people online and at home. I think this may very be the highest attended and most viewed non-disaster moment in the history of the entire world!!!

Such an AMAZING feeling. Just to witness it. I'm still glued to this CNN stream. I'm not going to get much work done at ALL today.

Did you see the Tuskegee Airmen? I'm enough of a history nerd that it brought a little lump to my throat seeing them there.


kali921 January 20 2009, 19:22:38 UTC
No, I missed that part! Good god, I hope all of that footage is up somewhere online so I can watch it tonight when I get home!


faythalie January 20 2009, 18:42:27 UTC

That is all.


kali921 January 20 2009, 19:24:02 UTC
Vive les États-Unis!!


outlawpoet January 20 2009, 18:57:19 UTC
I'm such a bad person. I'm going to all the usual suspects blogs to read the grudging, bitter, backhanded mentions all my libertarian, republican, ron paultard, and even anarchist acquaintances feel compelled to give to the inauguration.

Of course, they're all bitter for different reasons, but it's amazing to me to read it. And funny, oh so funny. Poor folks.

To me, it's nothing but progress. I don't like government, but I'd rather have a concerned, involved, intelligent executive than not. It's silly to be mad the man's popular, that he won at all. It looks so strained, so forced as people attempt to minimize and harsh the buzz without sounding ridiculous(and often failing).

Schadenfreude perhaps, but I'll take my amusements where I can.


kali921 January 20 2009, 19:26:11 UTC

Do link me to some of the bitter blog reactions. I do want to read them so I can point and laugh. Cruel, I know, but a necessary catharsis. :-) The one or two conservative minded people on my flist who fortold DOOOOOM when Obama got elected are studiously ignoring the inauguration.


outlawpoet January 20 2009, 21:13:34 UTC
Robin Hanson is a economist on a blog I read about cognitive biases and other brain-ish things, but he has some pretty strong political wank, and sometimes can't resist:

Of course The New Republic was as schizophrenic as always. One of the entries, bizarrely, tries to pick apart the speech:

And a lot of facebook statuses, lj posts and comments, twitters, and other personal griping I'd be almost embarassed to link.

But to them I can only say:

Obama '08 - Vote For Hope from MC Yogi on Vimeo.


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