Why Are You Here? Part 4 of ?

Mar 09, 2010 18:28

To: Privatesmile
For: Challenge: Valentine's Day 2010
Pairing: Miranda/ Andy

Disclaimer: I do not own the characters or any claims to The Devil Wears Prada. See part one for challenge summary.

Special thanks to DuWinter for beta help in part 4.

Part 1 kali-blue.livejournal.com/1963.html

Part 2  kali-blue.livejournal.com/2055.html

Part 3  kali-blue.livejournal.com/2497.html

Music:  Barrage: Bolero: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-XeB_eKnmls
While I like the original orchestral version this one by Barrage is hotter and a lot of fun.

The flight attendant came by with her cart taking drink orders and interrupted Andy’s musings.   Andy took some ice water but declined the salty peanuts.  The salt reminded her of salty dog, Billy Smith; he suggested the coffee shop and this led her back to that fateful day when she grabbed hold of a major untold story.  She leaned back, adjusted the tray table and focused her senses to take her back to… garbage.   Her nose wrinkled, eyes rolled. Ah no. Perhaps her drink … Better.


Andy took another sip of her cooling Carmel Mocha. She wore earphones but rarely turned the sound on when she was working. They served to keep others from interrupting her. She absentmindedly licked the whip cream from her upper lip.

Two men in business attire sat down with black coffees near her window seat table at the Soho Cafe. The man in the off the rack slightly ill-fitting tweed jacket watched her pink tongue sliding over the frothy cream to reveal cranberry lips.  He enjoyed thinking about being that cream or did until his brother-in-law glared at him.

The other man wearing a tailored brown worsted wool suit noticed her earphones and wires peeking through her chestnut brown hair. Ronald Reagan brought that particular brown shade back for men. Some dyed in the wool Republicans wore their brown suits proudly with American flag lapel pins since the eighties.  An American flag gleamed from his lapel.

"Okay John, now what you want me to do?" The navy tweed asked.

"Eddie, just like I told you, the judge will give you instructions. You watch his hands. If he taps his fingers on the desk you vote not guilty. If he taps his fingers together, we haven't been paid. You vote guilty. "

"What if he does both?"

"Eddie, Come on... It's one signal. I know my sister didn't marry you for brains..."

"Hey--!  John, I got five kids to feed. I need to do this right or Rita won't let me try for six."

"Eddie. I didn't need that image of you and my sister. Think with you other head for a change”

Andy thought TMI, about Eddie and Rita, but what was the freakin' judge's name.  She opened a new document and began typing when she realized a criminal court judge was taking bribes. This was her moment.  The break she needed to get on the front page.


She wrote the story, talked to an Assistant District Attorney with the Mirror’s lawyer present. Andy covered a number of the follow up stories when a full scale investigation was undertaken to see how far back the corruption went and if other judges were involved.  The DA’s office gave her a number of exclusives as it was her lead and cooperation that helped them bring an end to Finger-gate aka Randy’s Five Finger Discount.

In some ways her life hadn’t changed much after following Eddie to the Criminal Courthouse. Andy shied away from credit for the tabloid title Andy Ends Randy’s Dandy Five Finger Discount. On occasion surgical gloves floating on twine or ribbons appeared above her desk in the newsroom.  A few colleagues even sang her a rousing chorus of for she’s a jolly good fellow complete with helium affected voices.

Judge Randolph Spaultcher, III declined to make a deal to get a lesser sentence. The judge resigned was arrested, indicted and continues to appeal his conviction from prison. However the same was not true for Eddie the tweed, who gave his brother-in-law and the judge up without much prodding. Unfortunately, Eddie did not get a chance to try for a sixth kid and was found hanging in a pet shop by the canaries with his pants down around his ankles. The prophetic statement, Stopped at 5 was carved on his butt cheeks.

Double jeopardy didn’t help the prosecutor’s office to re-try those that bribed their way to a not guilty verdict. They were now being tried on jury tampering, bribery, and whatever charges the district attorney’s office could add. Those defendants convicted in Judge Spaultcher’s courtroom and serving in prison sentence were being visited by defense attorneys trying to get press coverage and perhaps a new client or too.


Andy’s plane landed at SFO, she deplaned and headed toward the baggage claim area to meet her driver. Ricardo was holding up a sign that said Sachs.

He took her bag and lap top and led her to the Limo. Andy got comfortable and leaned back. Ricardo kept silent, but put on 102.1 FM a classical music station at a low volume.

Ravel's Bolero issued softly from the concealed speakers in the back of the limo. Fatigue from her long hours in airports and on planes coupled with the music soothed Andy. She closed her eyes and allowed her mind to drift. No longer focusing on previous stories or off running to the next one, her mind betrayed her and retreated to her forbidden fantasy.

Nightly she took Miranda over the edge in her fevered fantasies. Andy wanted to fuck the haughtiness from her eyes. Andy didn't want to humiliate her. She wanted to break her in, train her so that Miranda would respond only to her and be induced to plead for her satisfaction.

Andy dreamed her voice made Miranda instantly wet. A Pavlovian response to her, not unlike the one she seemed to have around La Priestly. Miranda could begin by putting her acerbic tongue to better use.  Andy would hold Miranda's head in place to lick her juices.  Then threaten that she would not let her cum if Miranda failed to give her an orgasm just using her tongue. Perhaps multiples, being demanding certainly hadn't hurt Miranda remain on top.

Andy imagined having the Queen of Fashion on all fours begging for release. Miranda would not be neat or tidy. Her silver locks would drip with sweat. Her face would be red and slick with Andy's cum and her chest heaving as she tried to catch her breath. Glorious! Breathtaking! To see the unflappable Miranda Priestly in dire need of her touch-- Uninhibited, in need, aching for Andy to fulfill her, to thrust away all her thoughts; save one.  Fuck me.

Andy would be wearing a black Prada harness in pebble leather below her shiny black Balenciaga corset and make a quick adjustment to her dildo as she rolled on a condom. Miranda would never ask for it; oh, but she wanted it. For a woman to focus so keenly on every detail there had to be a corresponding repressed need. Andy would apply lube and approach Miranda from behind.

She'd lean over and center their hips and thighs. Holding on to the firm globe of Miranda's left cheek, and her shiny dildo, she'd approach her. Andy knew Miranda would need her in the naughtiest of ways. She'd ease in slowly as Miranda's rosebud hungrily sucked her length inside. Even if Miranda wanted to remain on all fours she would give in to the driving motion of Andrea’s dick and fall forward on the pillows Andrea thoughtfully placed there for her comfort. Maybe Andy would spank her creamy cheeks as she fucked her ass as Miranda screamed, "Deeper. Andy. Yes. Andy, Yes!" Andy imagined Miranda would be incapable of calling her Andrea then.

Andy finally realized she had started traveling and taking freelance assignments when the radiator hisses had her dreaming about fucking Miranda. Andrea would wake on her stomach wet and sticky with Miranda's name on her lips; her hand between her legs and the knuckle of her thumb pressed tightly on her clit.

Andy took off to out run her dreams and her fears. Maybe it was time to stop running and face them.


Ricardo pulled up in front of The Fairmont, jumped out and opened her door.  Startled, Andy needed a moment to remember where she was and pick up her laptop. Ricardo grabbed her bag from the back.  When he wouldn't accept payment, Andy tucked some money in his jacket as he gave her bag to the bell hop.

End of Part 4
Part 5  kali-blue.livejournal.com/3535.html

user: kali_blue, why are you here?, user: privatesmile, pairing: andy/miranda, dwp

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