Runaways Reunion [For Chase, Gert, and OL]

May 01, 2008 23:28

Welcome to Gilligan's Island Karo.

She'd finally been adventuresome enough to strike out on her own and explore more of the island, the part where there weren't grown ups, or people who thought they were, smiling at her in that pitying way.

What possible reason could she have to want to leave this magical Utopian island? A strange mystical power that transports people to and from the island without notice or care, sometimes apparently just to mess with people. Check. The same force has the power to bring even dead people here alive. Check. Oh, and nothing familiar from home; no friends, no family, no powers, not even the god damn dinosaur. Just you, yourself, and the clothes on your back. Big freakin' check.

Tinkerbell exit stage left. Stop the train, I want to get off.

Of course, if Karo had met many people and been paying more attention to the happenings of the freaky little island, she may have learned something very important.


Karolina had just wandered to the edge of dino territory.

She'd seen Jurassic Park. You were supposed to stay still right? That was just tyrannosaurs wasn't it? Fear fluttered in her chest and threatened to beat right through it. She crouched low and backed up very slowly, never taking her eyes off of the monster that hadn't seen her yet.

"Easy, easy, settle Karo."

Her heart slowed it's frantic beating just a smidge as the thing continued to not notice her, but it almost jumped into her throat as she backed into something large, scaly, and right behind her.

"Oh my god, I'm going to die."

chase stein, runaways reunion, old lace, dino territory, gertrude yorkes, karolina dean

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