Title: Fluffy Bedfellows
islablackFormat: short-fic
Rating: G
Warning: Angsty, to a fault. Unbeta’d, it’s late, give me a break. ;)
Prompt: picture, cut
Summary: Remus nearly literally falls in front of Tonks’ door during Half-Blood Prince and she takes care of him in the best way she knows how.
...drop back down amongst the fluff he was surrounded by. )
Comments 4
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Funny you should mention a beaten up werewolf showing up on your doorstep - After I finished the two-parter I submitted to this group (Lipstick), I got bit by this rabid bunny about Remus showing up on my doorstep to ask me to allow him and Tonks a bit more action *wink*. Seems our favorite werewolf would like a few more steamier scenes. It's just a shame I suck at writing smut.
I've actually written quite a few Remus/Tonks fics. I've written what I call my "Werewolf Chronicles" and I think it has 6 parts (3 are still in beta, 2 are half-written, one is posted at PhoenixSong). I'm hoping to finish off the betas on those soon and get them posted (at least to my lj).
Have a great day!
Good work on the product endorsment, feel the need to go buy some now.
And Susan, really, after Lipstick I believe you are LYING! Bad at smut, when you wrote that?! Lies. I demand smut!action!!!
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