As has been the norm since KneeGate, I was going stir-crazy. And as she is a goddess to the Nth degree,
januaried was an enabler. This is one of those days that I'm so glad that I was inspired because I don't think I've been more proud of a video. It may not be everyone's favorite, but I'm the most proud of this one. :D
All the SV fans, sing along. It couldn't be more perfect.
Take THAT, DC!
Wow, I really hope this one turns out well because this took FOREVER to get together, wacky muse or not. Let me warn ahead of time, I don't have any masking capabilities on my Movie Maker, so the manips will be obvious. Which sucks because I'd love them to be uniform, buuuut...yeah.
The video is quite literally moments in one version of their life together. Some good, some bad, but never very far apart.
Me-Clois Tribute-A Lifetime of Moments
As usual, YouTube:
Click to view
And Vimeo:
Untitled from
Lois Joos on