Fic: It's Just Pretend, Chapter 7

Jan 04, 2007 00:49

Title: It's Just Pretend
Author: kaladhwen, aka Mia, aka Alliana, aka...well, you get the idea.
Fandom: Star Wars, post-NJO
Rating: PG, pretty much.
Characters: Jaina Solo, Kyp Durron, OC
Genre: romance, humor, drama?
Keywords: K/J, romance, humor
Summary: Jaina is forced to take interesting steps to avoid unwanted attentions from a visiting politician's ( Read more... )

writing, fan fiction, it's just pretend

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Comments 2

tears_of_nienna January 4 2007, 15:24:01 UTC
I want to marry your Kyp. ;D He was there waiting for her when she needed him...that's love.

"Uncle Luke thought you might go after them yourself before we could find out what was really going on."

Which is exactly what he would have done, because no one messes with his Goddess. And if he knew what Rune had tried to do...he would have killed him. Very, very slowly.

I love this fic.


kaladhwen January 4 2007, 16:34:42 UTC
Hee. Aw. This is just what I needed this morning. Thank you!

And yup, it's why no one tells him what's really going on, cause, well. He's Kyp. He can be a bit rash. ;)

Hee I'm glad you like it. :)


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