Ricky's Birthday Celebrations!

Apr 03, 2007 14:01

As everyone is well aware, Ricky is turning 25 on the 22nd of April and because Andriy will not be there to celebrate with him this year, and we know this will break his heart, we've decided to try and send him some cheer.

So, as a community, we are asking you to contribute to a birthday package that we will be sending him on behalf of our fan community. We ask that these be submitted via email to kakasheva.lj@hotmail.com before the 10th (that's one week exactly) so we can get everything printed and sent to Ricky in time for his birthday.

Ideas for the package include: letters, birthday cards, fan art etc.
Be as creative as you like!!

Restrictions: We do ask that there is no suggestion or implications of OTP or ties greater than a platonic relationship (friendship) with Andriy Shevchenko. It is not our intent to show or mean any disrespect to Ricky or Andriy. In other words, please keep the slashing to the community only.

So, quickly wrapping up, here are the important details summarised again.

What? Ricky's Community Birthday Package!
When? Due by the 10th of April
Where? Email to kakasheva.lj@hotmail.com
Post Script: Respect restrictions.

Secondly, in celebration of Ricky's birthday, we encourage everyone to submit fan works in the countdown to Ricky's birthday. This can be in the form of graphics, prose, poetry, basically anything! There are no restrictions for this one and in the spirit of things there will be surprise goodies given out to participants!!

So, c'mon people, let's hear it for the boy!♥

Any questions, ideas, suggestions? censorthiis & voodoo_biskit will be happy to answer all comments.

community, birthday, mod, kakà

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