Tumblr work. I have to do this right and proper but...Not today. Read it on Tumblr!
I have to thank SerenityTouched because she likes all my stories and so it made them easier to find!
Waitin' On a Woman
http://gflvr73.tumblr.com/post/97769686984/waitin-on-a-woman Gen Swap Drabble for Kakashi's Birthday
http://gflvr73.tumblr.com/post/97617625244/happy-birthday-kakashi Post War Drabble Pt. 1
http://gflvr73.tumblr.com/post/98426754104/i-cant-come-up-with-the-beginning-of-this-so-here-is Pt 2 (written back in September-excuse the names)