Title: Rocket Science
Anime: Naruto
Pairing: Kakashi x Sakura
Rating: PG-13/T
Words: 900
Disclaimer: NARUTO © 2011 by MASASHI KISHIMOTO/SHUEISHA Inc and assorted corporations who bought various rights to it.
A/N: Don't kill me. I do not know where this AU idea came from and how it spilled out across the page when I'm supposed to be working on my other fics. Be warned, this is pure fluff!
This is also on FF.net:
[here] (Gathering around the water cooler in the morning will never be the same again...) ---
Wow, thank you for all the love, everyone! I really appreciate it~ ♥
Oh, and
bluerising, I may possibly be bribe-able to continue, if you catch my not so subtle drift. *winkwink*