Aurora’s World: Atecia: Opal: Talking to Margery

Jul 29, 2012 20:59

Written for LJ user ysabetwordsmith’s prompt: Margery and Opal share their experiences about blooming on Sauin Day.

Opal sat alone, in the room she’d once shared with Margery, and waited. Sleeping was much harder without the girl Opal had thought of as her sister and every time her aunt looked at her she knew she wished that it had been Margery who survived. There were times, normally late at night, when Opal wished it had been Margery too, even though she was grateful be alive, and her ability meant that at least she could still talk to Margery, unlike her aunt. Everyone looked at the family differently, because they all knew that Margery had died during the blooming process.

“It’s not your fault,” Margery said, appearing on the bed next to Opal. “There was nothing you could do to stop what happened, there was nothing Aurora could do, and I’m…” She sighed. “Being dead isn’t as bad as it seems, Opal. I would have liked to live longer, or have had a chance to say goodbye to Mum, but I don’t regret what’s happened.”

Running a hand through her hair, Opal smiled at Margery. “I know it’s not my fault.” She sighed. “I just miss you. In my memories we are always together and now you’re not here.”

“Blooming is always dangerous. Everyone knows that.” Margery shrugged. “Controlling the power that suddenly filled me was impossible, even with Aurora doing all she could to help. You were simply better than me at controlling our shared power.”

“What was it like for you?” They’d talked before, but not about blooming, because Opal hadn’t wanted to bring it up. “To begin with it seemed like pain was the only thing that still existed. If it hadn’t been for that drink Aurora gave me I don’t think I would have been able to cope with it.”

Margery nodded. “I remember the pain. It did fade away to almost nothing when Aurora gave me her herbal concoction and I felt sure then that everything would be okay, but then I felt the power. The wave took me by surprise, even though I guess I should have expected it, and I panicked. Aurora’s voice was helping a little because it was more soothing that I expected, but it wasn’t enough.”

“It was Aurora’s voice that brought me through the first wave of power. I’m certain if she hadn’t been there we would both be in the same position now.”

For a few moments Margery studied Opal, as though they’d never seen each other before. “I don’t know, Opal. If one of us was going to come through the blooming process I think it was always going to be you.” Margery smiled. “There’s something special about you.”

Opal shook her head. “I don’t think there is.”

“Do you know how rare it is for someone to survive blooming on Sauin’s day?”

“Aurora never mentioned anything about it being rare.”

“It’s something she has no way of knowing. There’s a wealth of knowledge here that I can pass on to you, if you want me to, so we can help people in the future.”

Mirrored from K. A. Webb Writing.

aurora's world, prompted fiction, free fiction, fiction, character: opal, character: margery, collection, character: aurora

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