Random Number Session

Jan 09, 2013 11:49

Welcome to the first random number session of 2013.

Give me one random number, whole numbers between 1 and 52, and receive 500 words of fiction.Give me two random numbers, whole numbers between 1 and 52, and receive 500 words of fiction, which is likely to be an interesting crossover set in one of the two characters’ worlds.
Give me a collection and one random number, whole numbers between 1 and 52, and receive 500 words of fiction, which will also probably end up being a crossover.
Give me a collection and two random numbers, whole numbers between 1 and 52, and receive 500 words of fiction, which will again probably be a crossover.
There is no limit on the amount of random numbers in one selection, although I think up to four would work best as it is only 500 words.

For easy understanding please be clear with what you want.
E.g. 1, 15, 27
18 & 9, 26 & 42, 39 & 50
The Brotherhood: 19
Heliopath’s World: 27 & 46
The World Walkers: 18 & 25 & 39

A link to this session is worth 500 words per platform, so you’ll receive 500 words for a link on DW, 500 words for a link on Twitter, and 500 words for a link on Facebook. These words can be used for any prompt from this session and it’s possible to use all the words you receive for on prompt or split them.

Extra words can be purchased. 1,000 words costs £3 or 3 credits, up to a limit of 5,000 words for £15 or 15 credits. Words purchased with credits won’t be published, but will instead be emailed to the prompter.

If I receive ten random number prompts this session I’ll post 1,000 words of a new story and for every prompt after the tenth I’ll add another 500 words to the story.

I don’t have any real monetary aim for this session, although buying groceries with money I earned would be nice. Normal donor perks are available.

If I receive £10 I’ll post one piece of bonus material for one of my worlds.
If I receive £20 I’ll write 1000 words for half the prompts.
If I receive £30 I’ll post two pieces of bonus material for two of my worlds.
If I receive £40 I’ll write 1000 words for every prompt.
If I receive £50 I’ll write four pieces of bonus material for four of my worlds.
If I receive £60 I’ll write 2000 words for half the prompts.
If I receive £70 I’ll write eight pieces of bonus material for eight of my worlds.
If I receive £80 I’ll write 2000 words for every prompt.

If I receive £100 I’ll use my web cam as a web cam for the first time and post a video of myself reading one of my stories.

If I receive £120 I’ll post 10,000 words in February.

If I receive £140 I’ll post another video - donors choice. This can be another reading, an interview with me, or anything you chose.

If I receive £160 I’ll write 4000 words for every prompt.

Mirrored from K. A. Jones Writing.

prompt session

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