Well I dunno, the environment seems to be weighing heavily on your mind. Cornell is out in the middle of nowhere (well, not quite as bad as UCONN) and it doesn't bother me. So I would say to stay at UCONN because the environment doesn't bother me and, in the end, you will probably have a deeper education (not saying that Southern doesn't have a deep education) and more opportunities out of the classroom. Personally, I would consider the educational factors above things like the city or parking. Just my two cents.
i told my mom that i wanted to transfer and switch my major to music, she seemed kinda dissapointed, but i did all the paperwork for myself for tunxis and for unh and uhart. and she seems to be okay with it now. anyways, what i guess i want to say is, its your future. screw what your parents think. if you think you will be better off at another school, then do it.
i think that although you have more pro's for southern than for uconn, you should stay where you are. if you arent sure of what you want to do then it doesnt make to transfer. i could see if you said okay i definitely want to be a nurse,then fine, southern is one of the best places to go for nursing. but if youre basing the transfer on enviroment, then youre not doing it for the right reason. uconn is the 154th university in the world, and 68 in US News. I think the most important thing for you to think about is your education. And yeah, uconn can get boring sometimes, but im here and if youre bored then come by, I HAVE NO problem hanging out with you. I understand where youre coming from, but my rationale is to wait till the end of sophomore year and make my decision then. that way you have gen ed's that you can transfer anywhere. I definitely feel like I was forced/ forced myself into coming here, but itll work out, you just have to work a little harder here.Reply
i think if you feel that you wont be happy anywhere then maybe your problem is bigger than the school. i know thats somewhat blunt, but i trust you and i know that when i say that youll take it in the right way. so if you know in your heart that southern is where youre going to be happy, do well and feel better about life, then go there. But, if you have doubts, that are sufficient; i.e, degree credibility, then maybe you need more time to think and realize what it is you need to be succesful.
kait... oh man... i love southern. there is nothing i dislike about it. all the people that have given you advice dont seem to be listining to what your trying to figure out. everybody is pretty much telling you what to do. do what you want to do. when your filling out transfer forms you will realize what you want i promise, because they will either up in the garbage or in the mail. either way you are going to do great... but i wouldnt mind getting to spend some more time with you.
Comments 10
HEY i have a way for us to meet...let's spend a day in NYC together!!!!
Pick a few wk-ends when you're free, we'll meet up in the city!
i think im going to transfer...
augbahgaer a;ujrlkjmadrf a32piu2470921 lka j
thanks katie
i know thats somewhat blunt, but i trust you and i know that when i say that youll take it in the right way.
so if you know in your heart that southern is where youre going to be happy, do well and feel better about life, then go there. But, if you have doubts, that are sufficient; i.e, degree credibility, then maybe you need more time to think and realize what it is you need to be succesful.
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