(for deerruhan) a siren's song

Aug 30, 2014 17:39

For: deerruhan
Title: a siren's song
Pairings: Kai/D.O, Luhan/Kai
Rating: (hard) R
Word Count: 3,094
Warnings: gore, graphic imagery, character death, sexual manipulation, necrophilia, slight!cannibalism, suicide.
Summary: "Is it fit that the king of Atlantica should have a human lover?"

"Ask yourself if it's fit for a layman to be the best friend of a king."

Author’s Note: Little Mermaid!AU. I absolutely love the little mermaid and I'm positive this is waaay off of everything you originally wanted, but I hope you love it... in... an extremely twisted way... I'd be lying if I said I didn't try to make this as fucked up as possible. Thank you Jade for being my beta and Modperor for being so understanding!

Merfolk love to collect, and Kyungsoo is no exception.

Over the course of their friendship, he has collected every single thing Jongin has ever given to him. Big or small, it doesn’t matter in the slightest. He has an old leather trunk where he keeps these special treasures so he may come back and relive the moments with his best friend.

Since he was a small child, Kyungsoo has had the ability to see into the past, triggered by touching specific objects of significance or deep meaning. Any time he misses Jongin or wants to be with him when he can’t; Kyungsoo uses this power to re-live their joyful encounters.

He fondles a glistening pearl they’d found a few months ago near the edge of the kingdom and grasped it tightly. Shutting his eyes, he awaits the day’s memories to come flooding through his senses in a vision.

Kyungsoo is giggling alongside Jongin as they creep behind a rock, peering over the side at a baby seahorse who can’t seem to save himself from a fit of sneezing.

Once they’ve both had enough laughs, and they realize the baby is helpless, Jongin immediately drops their sack of pearls, and emerges from behind the rock. The small creature darts back and forth, unable to control himself until Jongin carefully cups him in his gentle hands.

Kyungsoo watches as he lightly rubs its belly with one finger, whispering softly into his ear to calm it down.

Eventually the fit stops and the poor thing falls limp on Jongin’s palm, breathing heavy and worn out.

“I’m taking him home.” Jongin states as Kyungsoo floats to his side, a concerned expression etched on his face.

“Do you think he’ll be okay? Has he spoken to you?”

“He’ll be fine.. he’s too worn out to speak now.”

Jongin scratches the back of his head in thought. “Must’ve been allergic to something.”

Kyungsoo drops the pearl back into its place and grins. The day Jongin kept squirty, his most loved pet seahorse.

Jongin is a loving merman. He feels genuine compassion for each living creature above and below the surface. His gift for speaking with all seafolk is quite uncommon, yet well-fitting for the kingdom of Atlantica’s new young ruler.

His father decided when Jongin was a young boy, that he would step down from his position as king to allow his son rule over the kingdom when he becomes a man. The heavy burden weighs on his mind often, but he knows the merfolk need him.

Since the inauguration and coming of age ceremony for his best friend, Kyungsoo has not seen Jongin much. He comes from a lowly family, specializing in nothing but being painfully ordinary aside from the unlikely friendship he shares with the new king. He knows that he should be grateful for the small amount of time he has to spend with Jongin, but he can’t help but feel lonely.

When Jongin finally does visit, he brings news that Kyungsoo would rather not hear.

They sit around Kyungsoo’s stone table in his home as Jongin describes all of the wondrous feasts and balls he’s been to since his welcoming as ruler.

Kyungsoo can tell something is up when Jongin clears his throat and hesitates with his next statement.

“I met someone…” His dark blue tail rubs against the floor as he awaits a response from his best friend.

“A new friend? Or… something else?”

Again there’s hesitation in Jongin’s voice, but he’s never lied to Kyungsoo before. “Something else, I guess you could say.”

Kyungsoo swallows hard and “Oh.” is all he can muster.

Days become weeks, weeks become months, and Jongin still cannot find time for Kyungsoo. The more memories he looks back on, the more he misses his best friend, and the more he realizes that this was always going to happen.

It’s late afternoon when Kyungsoo decides to pay Jongin a visit at the palace. The maid escorts him to the grand bedroom where he spots Jongin writing letters at his desk. The lady bows and swims away to give them their privacy.

“Jongin? Can I come in?”

He seems startled from his work but nods and motions him over.

“What do you need?”

Kyungsoo feels guilty for interrupting their new king for something as simple as loneliness, but maybe it isn’t so bad, he convinces himself.

“I miss you… that’s all.”

Jongin stares at him in thought, nodding and continuing to scribble on parchment.

“I miss you too Kyungsoo, but you know I’m busy.”

“There’s rumors flying around about you Jongin… People are saying you spend extra time at the surface… is it true?”

This visibly angers the king. He leaves his desk to swim at eye level with Kyungsoo. “What I do in my spare time is none of your business Do Kyungsoo.”

“Something’s wrong Jongin you’re never like this. You’ve never been quick to anger.”

Jongin rolls his eyes and floats across the room to recline against the pillows on his bed. “I see exactly what this is about. You’re jealous. I told you I’m seeing someone and you want that for yourself!”

“What does that have to do with you going to the surface, Jongin? I’m not jealous of anything.” Even though he says he isn’t jealous, Kyungsoo can’t help but wonder about himself.

Jongin stares at his hands and absentmindedly twirls them through the water. “Humans are beautiful aren’t they? Such mesmerizing beings.” He smiles to himself and brings his hand back down to his heart.

“Is it fit that the king of Atlantica should have a human lover?”

“Ask yourself if it’s fit for a layman to be the best friend of a king.”

Kyungsoo felt his heart shatter. After all they had been through together, he’s always been a simple peasant to Jongin. An insignificant little runt who forgot his place in the presence of royalty.

“You’re right your majesty. I’ll leave you be.”

Kyungsoo could not contain his curiosity. He was dying to find out who this lover is that Jongin speaks so highly of. So highly that he has to disregard the closest people in his life.

His curiosity leads him to follow Jongin to the surface.

There’s a cave nearby the beach where Kyungsoo hoists himself upon a damp rock. From his distance, it’s easy to hear, and a small break in the cave wall allows him to peek at the scene of the two.

“Luhan do you have it for me?” Jongin asks eagerly with the same sparkle in his eye that he used to have when talking with him.

Kyungsoo is baffled. Jongin is communicating with the human.

“I have it right here, don’t you worry your pretty little head.” The man smiles and kisses Jongin softly on the lips, handing him a vial of light purple liquid.

Kyungsoo’s heart clenches for reasons he isn’t willing to admit.

It’s not right and it makes him uneasy. Jongin’s gift is only working on seafolk… and for some reason… this man he’s with can understand him as well.

Kyungsoo spends most of his time in the library of Atlantica researching in and out of water beasts. It’s peculiar to him, that Jongin could speak so freely with a human. Kyungsoo came to the conclusion at that very moment that this ‘Luhan’ is not a human. For centuries there have been stories of Sirens and their magical pull, leading men to do anything, risking their lives and everything they have to be in the presence of these alluring creatures.

There are ancient stories of Sirens having children with humans, creating half-breeds with the same capabilities as a sea-siren, but possessing the unique ability to change between land and water.

It isn’t until Jongin goes missing that Kyungsoo realizes what was in the vile.

A forbidden potion exists in the underwater world where one who drinks from it will permanently morph into a human. They will leave behind all of their merfolk abilities, their families, their possessions, they lose it all.

It had been banned long ago for it’s harsh consequences.

Kyungsoo doesn’t know if it’s the right thing to do, but he knows he needs to save Jongin from that Siren, even if it means giving up his life to save the one he’s secretly began to love; so he seeks out another vial of morphing potion.

Kyungsoo is wobbly on his new legs. He ventures into the nearest city off the coast of the ocean, and thanks trident he brought an old pair of human shorts he’d found months ago while scavenging.

He feels hopeless in his attempts to find Jongin. He searches and searches until he stumbles upon the ships in the harbor. Kyungsoo spots Luhan leading Jongin by the hand into a luxurious boat, the crew following behind.

This is his only chance to catch them before it’s too late.

He makes a run for it on his clumsy legs, tripping over himself until he reaches the wooden doc.

“WAIT!” He halfway screeches as the crew members begin to pull in the boarding plank, “I’m part of the crew!”

Once he’s on board, he decides to hide in the storage area to lay low for a while.

Something isn’t quite right, and Jongin can feel his stomach churn with each rock of the ship. Luhan slides under the comforter next to his lover in the pitch black, clutching his waist from behind. Instead of the softness of Luhan’s delicate hands, he’s met with the sensation of slimy scales rubbing against his body.

Jongin freezes in his tracks for a split moment, he doesn’t know what to do. He lies there in the darkness, completely still. It’s when he begins to react that he can’t. His new human body will not comply.

A raspy and groggy voice grumbles in his ear "This is who I truly am Jongin, do you still love me?" The sneer prominent in his words.

“You told me you were a prince.” He whispers fearfully.

“I said a lot of things, didn’t I?”

Regret surges through him as he becomes frantic inside this new skin he's chosen. All this time, Kyungsoo has been right. How could he have been such a fool? The human man he thought he'd loved, is not a human at all.

Jongin's speech is gone, he is completely helpless. Left to the mercy of this creature who he thought he had known. "What are you?" He wants to say, "why are you doing this?"

The beast laughs frantically, hopping out of bed and switching on the lights. The sight is gruesome. Rough and bloody skin-colored scales cover Luhan's entire body. The slime drips on the floor and pools at his feet. The smile on his face is so wide and menacing, Jongin thinks his heart will beat right out of his chest.

"I'm doing this my dear Jongin, because you are the king, and I am going to be graced with a hefty reward." Luhan's once light brown locks are now a dirty matted mess of seaweed and grime. He saunters near the edge of the bed and caresses down Jongin's legs almost seductively and he feels the bile rise in his throat for real this time.

"What's wrong Jonginnie? You don't like it when I touch you anymore?" He rips the comforter off the bed and throws it to the side, exposing Jongin in only his boxers. Long, gangly fingers find his crotch, caressing him through the thin fabric. Something changes in him. In a split second he's longing for Luhan, even in his grotesque true form.

His first movements are his cock springing to life, twitching upwards as Luhan squeezes him. A pained groan escapes his lips, he has no idea what's overcoming him. He can't say he doesn't like it, but he doesn't know why he does.

Luhan straddles Jongin's hips, grinding his completely naked body down on him. He bucks upwards as the boxers begin to expose him to the warm air.

Wasting no time, Luhan grabs the hard cock below and lowers himself onto Jongin. He hisses quietly and Jongin throws his head back, immediately latching his hands to the creature's hips and bucking erratically. He's never felt any sensation like it before. He can't stop and doesn't want to.

Kyungsoo bursts through the door.

His jaw drops.

Jongin hardly bats an eye as he continues pounding into his once beautiful lover, feeling more turned on now that Kyungsoo is watching. He can hardly take the intensity of what he's feeling.

Kyungsoo attempts to move but finds himself in the same position Jongin had been in before. He is not in control of his own human form.

"Jongin what's going on?!"

The short boy looks so helpless in this current situation. Tears begin to trickle down his face, but he can't move his arms to wipe them away. "You know what he is..." he almost whispers "...he's a siren..."

Luhan glaces at Kyungsoo for the first time, a smirk plastered on his lips. "Actually, I'm only half siren."

Kyungsoo looks to Jongin for some type of response and he tries to speak for the first time, grunting out what he can. "It .....f-feels........." he can't help but belt a soft moan between his words, panting and out of breath. "s-so....good....kyungs-soo...."

He can't take it anymore. Anger and hurt runs hot through Kyungsoo's veins and he screams at Luhan. "STOP USING MAGIC ON HIM!"

"Oooooh, is the big boy jealous? I wish I was using magic on this one, but he loves it so much, I don't have to." The smile on Luhan's face is so genuine-looking, if Kyungsoo didn't know better, he would say it's real. "I can read your mind Kyungsoo. I know you want to be me right now. You want to be the one with the king's dick buried inside of you."

Luhan bounces up and down on Jongin's dick faster and faster. His nail flicking the man's nipple hard... a bit too hard. He presses his sharp, dirt encrusted nail into his skin, piercing the surface and causing a sharp cry to emit. He presses further, deeper into Jongin's flesh, blood dripping down the side onto the bed.

At this Kyungsoo attempts to lunge forward. His body is able to move now, but not from the spot he currently stands. He scrapes and screams and kicks at the air, trying anything to fight against the power Luhan holds over him, but there's no use.

The siren works the opening, creating a gory mess in front of them. He continues to ride Jongin’s still-hard cock as he fits his entire hand in the young king’s chest.

Jongin is screaming at moaning at the same time, spitting blood from the side of his mouth as well. He’s so close to cumming and as his heart rate speeds, Luhan holds a tight grip around Jongin’s beating muscle.

Kyungsoo is knelt on the ground, wailing and begging for Luhan to stop. He’s going to kill Jongin. He’s going to kill the king, their ruler, and Kyungsoo’s secret love; his best friend.

One last strangled groan is coughed out of Jongin's chapped lips and just as he orgasms, Luhan sinks his fingers deep into his heart. A yelp echoes throughout as Luhan rips the still-beating organ from Jongin's shaking body. Blood gushes from his gaping wound in a constant stream and Kyungsoo watches in horror as Luhan brings the king's heart to his tongue, licking the outside and squeezing the red liquid into his mouth.

"Victory tastes... like blood." Luhan chuckles at his own sick joke. "Atlantica is all mine." With this he removes himself from Jongin's limp dick. He disappears from Kyungsoo's sight, and he can finally move.

Kyungsoo raises a trembling hand from the ground and crawls towards the bed where Jongin lies dead. He weakly climbs onto the empty space next to his old friend and cuddles next to him. The glassy look in the king's eyes is almost too much for Kyungsoo to bear, but he has to.

"I wanted to tell you myself, Jongin. I realized how I feel about you. I love you. Even though you're gone." The tears start up again and Kyungsoo is clutching his lost love's soiled shirt. "I have to show you." He whispers.

Kyungsoo drags himself to the end of the bed, positioned right in front of Jongin's crotch. He extends a hand, not quite sure how it works. He holds the cock in his hands, it's already starting to become cold. He crouches down, taking the soft dick in his mouth, sucking and staring up at Jongin's lifeless figure.

This isn't how it should be, he knows, but he closes his eyes and pretends that Jongin is moaning for him like he was with Luhan, that maybe somewhere deep inside, his soul is enjoying it, even though his body cannot respond.

Kyungsoo moans against Jongin's cooling skin as his own cock springs to life, the feeling just as foreign to him as it was Jongin. He continues to bob and suck as he reaches down his own pants to stroke his hardness. He imagines Jongin touching him and fucking him senseless like he'd done Luhan. He imagines that they could have had a life together as humans if Jongin had wished.

Kyungsoo cums with tears streaming down onto Jongin's cock.

He sits up, a trail of spit follows and he wipe his mouth. He climbs off the bed and turns away from Jongin's body, whispering his goodbye. He creeps out of the room as if in slow motion, taking each step with extra care feeling as though he might wake Jongin from his rest if he’s too loud. He finds his way to the upper deck of the ship and stands on the railing which prevents passengers like him from falling. But that's exactly what he wants. To fall.

He stretches his arms out wide and dives into the roaring waves of the night. His human form has not learned to swim. The familiarity of the water surrounding his senses is comforting to him as he sucks water into his lungs. The cold is a shock to him, but his body becomes warm after a few moments. In his last stretches of what he thinks is consciousness, he catches a glimpse of something swimming towards him, a merman... Jongin. He smiles.


pairing: kai/luhan, !fic, rating: r, pairing: kai/d.o

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