(for haru_ha_ru) 128√e980

Aug 29, 2014 17:43

For: haru_ha_ru
Title: 128√e980
Pairings: Kai/D.O, Chen/Chanyeol, Tao/Sehun
Rating: PG-13
Word Count: 3,221
Warnings: genderbend
Summary: Jongin might be a little in love with the 'angel' in her class.
Author’s Note: I would like to thank 9gag (or whatever that social networking site it was) for the title.

"That's her!" Jongin hastily points to a girl whose hair is tied in a very neat ponytail, looking quite serious while reading a thick book as she sits in the front row of the class near the door.

"Jongdae?" Sehun uninterestingly glances from his phone hidden inside his bag over a girl talking very loudly with a cranky looking guy, named, from what he could remember, Chanyeol, who were both located near the same direction from where Jongin had pointed at previously.

Jongin, known to be teased mostly by her best friend, Sehun, for her feminine mindset but masculine physical attributes, slaps the latter's back with the same way when she hits the volleyball like a spike. "What the hell! No!"

"Then who? You could've just told her name to me or something." He irritably says with a roll of his eyes, gesturing to the phone in his hand which is, by the way, prohibited to bring and use inside their school premises. "I'm quite busy here, you see."

"Busy sexting who?" Jongin teases as she looks over at her friend's phone from his shoulder. "Ohhhhhhh. Isn't he that new transferre guy from China?"

"This is absolutely none of your fucking business!" Sehun shoves Jongin's face back from her seat. A few of their classmates looks upon them with disgusted looks on Sehun and concerned ones for Jongin respectively.

Studying in a Catholic high school has its perks. You'll get to be with grade conscious, prim, proper, respectful and religious students....or so what most people have thought. St. ??? high school was previously an all-girls school but after the suspicious so-called requests of religious parents who had sons that they would like to educate in such a school or maybe since the president of the school was actually Sehun's aunt and because he got kicked out from numerous high schools already. According to his parents, it was their last resort and hope to discipline their one and only loved son.

They're already in the middle term of their junior year and a year has passed since they first met and knew each other. Sehun hasn't even told Jongin about the real reason of the sudden addition of male students from the previous all-girls high school yet and either way, if he tells her or not, he's gonna have a bad time explaining it to his very, very, very, slow and quite dumb friend anyway.

Jongin then shows a reassuring smile towards her classmates, who all sigh in relief and go back to their own businesses, not even forgetting to throw deadly daggers on her friend's back, before pulling Sehun's hair back and forth in an uncatholic and demonic manner which was way worse than what he did to her.

"Wow. Nice, thank you." Sehun, who now has chicken strewn hair, slowly looks back at Jongin like those in horror movies before saying in a monotonous tone which she had thought does not give off any hint of pain, sarcasm and murder. "You have my attention now, Kim Jongin. Oh, and you were saying?"

Jongin squeals, clapping her hands in excitement. She leans her body at the back of his seat before whispering, "It's-"

Before anything else, the door eventually opens, revealing their late instructor for their Values and Principles class and cutting Jongin's most awaited secret to be shared with her best friend.

"Thank God!" Jongin shouts right after their homeroom teacher left the class. It was already dismissal and most of her classmates are now tidying up their desks from notebooks cluttered with notes from their lesson discussion, pens and thick resources of books.

Weirdly enough, the people around Jongin smiles upon hearing her sudden acknowledgement towards their one and only creator which in fact, was actually not anywhere near that reason on why she shouted that expression out of nowhere.

She was waiting for what almost seemed like ages to share the confession to Sehun but wasn't given the opportunity since as a rule inside the class, once the discussion has started, everyone is forbidden to talk unless you are the instructor or were allowed to talk by the said instructor through recitation.

But before anything else, Jongin walks and unfortunately bumps to almost everyone she encounters on her way towards her crush who seems to be rushing on fixing her things and getting the hell out of the school (how ironic). She actually just cannot wait for Sehun who got called to the president’s office and has yet to return to their classroom. It was also quite weird after seeing her friend quite chill and relaxed since it was the president that they were talking about and not just the principal.


Jongin doesn’t really know but with the series of events happening to her, awful thoughts have made her think twice, thrice and four times if she recently had just committed a sin and if she’s gonna die a later on after all those sufferings.

A flattering face blocks her sight towards her crush. It was Jongdae, her former crush, who seems to be quite sad and solemn, opposite to what her usual happy and excited demeanor.

"You see-"

Jongin looks inadvertently to the retreating back of her present crush towards the door before pouting obviously to Jongdae, who seems quite confused at the former's sudden display of disappointment even if it was actually quite rude in the first place.

"Are you done now or what?" Jongdae says as she takes interest of her neatly trimmed nails.

The sudden change of the other's attitude eventually has made Jongin taken aback. But as weird as it sounds, she actually had a thing for bitchy and sarcastic attitudes.

Nevertheless, Jongin nods in reply and seemingly looking like she's loss in words after seeing the sudden smirk on the other's face.

"So you like her, huh?"

"Who?" Jongin composedly glances around in confusion even though she's panicking like hell on the inside.

"Do Kyungsoo."

Right after the school bell rings as a sign of the end of their classes, students, well maybe some of them since most would rather stay put on their seats first and have a chit chat with their friends before anything else, would throw almost everything placed on top of their desk inside their bags and run towards the exit of their school as they breath in the fresh air of freedom from the said glory hole.

However, it may be a different story when you get to be the first one who leaves the classroom and would have to wait for your friend(s) who had to do something completely unexpected and out of their habit especially when you have plans to go somewhere to. Patience may be a virtue but not for certain people who looks like they will literally eat the faces of those who gets in their line of sight.

A nice example would be this girl looking quite impatient and nearly on her wits end as she waits for someone, probably her friend, just at the soon-to-be-filled-with-students hallway that was ag a good distance away from their classroom while wishing that their homeroom teacher should've just dismissed them earlier than the bell. Since they have a choir practice to attend to, Trigonometry quiz to review for and Book of Saints to read in advance for their lesson in Religion, not that she’s kind of becoming one of those so-called perfect students with the brains and beauty, she walks and walks and walks around the hallway as she tries to calm herself in peace since she can't just go around shouting her friend's name like a medieval.

But all of her angry thoughts have poof-ed right after bumping into Sehun, who have just exited from The President's office.


The said girl stops into her tracks at the sound of her name.

"Oh." Kyungsoo suddenly blushes, tucking a strand of her hair behind her ear. "Hi Sehun."

The said guy nods in acknowledgement before looking strangely at the other’s face. Kyungsoo backs away slowly and unfortunately ends up leaning at the wall that she was quite unwary of. Sehun, on the other hand, keeps up with her steps thus creeping the hell out of the girl and any of the people who might see them in such a close proximity.

And because they’re previously an all-girls school and since almost all the male students are just around one-fourth of the whole population enrolled, there has been strict rules implemented with the physical contacts towards each student among opposite genders with the exception of instructors or employees of the school (as much as most of the girls who are quite open minded with the true meaning of such Christian Values like ‘Unconditional Love’ and ‘Fidelity in Marriage’ despise the said regulations).

Seeing how Sehun is moving his hand towards her face, Kyungsoo closes her eyes as she buckles up for what she had almost thought of as a kiss.

“You have a dirt on your face.” He wipes something on the side of her face that Kyungsoo felt like either a booger or a rheum and flicks it away while smiling unexpectedly. “Now it’s gone!”

Before she could say something else or rather being rendered speechless for approximately a good few minutes from where Sehun had bid her goodbye to seeing him enter inside the classroom, she sees the person she had been waiting for what had seemed like an eternity, Kim Jongdae.

“What took you so long?” Kyungsoo stomps irritatedly on the ground, acting quite cute in purpose. Irritated by the reason of being embarrassed to her crush and also because of the aching of her from the heavy school bag she’s carrying and aching legs from standing.

Jongdae shrugs, not minding how her friend looks like she’s summoning a titan right in front of her eyes. “I got good news and bad news.” She opens her palm towards Kyungsoo, who gladly accepts it, before saying, “Sorry.”

“It’s fine.” Kyungsoo sighs. ‘Something good happened anyways.’ She inwardly tells herself. They walk hand in hand as they exit toward from the hallway to the school gates. “Bad news first.”

"Okay. Knock knock." Jongdae stops for a second, before facing towards her confused friend.

"Who's there?"

"Hoo, hoo."

Kyungsoo scrunches her infamous thick eyebrows. "Hoo, hoo, who?"

"Ha!" Looking and sounding like an obnoxious friend, Jongdae slaps the other's arm before laughing like a retarded seal. "I knew it, you're an owl." She imitates Kyungsoo's eyes with an added effect of her fingers formed into a circle placed on top of her eyes.

However, Kyungsoo really doesn't give a fuck about it and stays silent for a while, remembering something else. "....That sounded so familiar."

She scans the place around. They were now outside of the school, just a few meters away from the exit gate. Most of the students are now happily proceeding to go inside the school bus provided by their school while some of them are walking towards the chapel located beside their school building. Just a habitual thing to do during dismissal.

Kyungsoo grabs Jongdae's arm and harshly pulls it as they walk towards the school bus.

Jongdae, who just goes with the flow, looks back towards the chapel. "Wait, aren't we gonna pray first?"

The other sighs, stopping into her tracks before releasing her friend's arm. "You go on ahead." Jongdae's face has lightened up like it was shed glory by the Holy Spirit. "I'll just save you a seat."

Waiting for a friend has now been classified as a hell-breaking activity by Jongin. An hour has passed after she's been practically waiting for Sehun who seemed to have forgotten that it was already dismissal and may have loitered around the campus.

She had even helped her classmates for the cleaning duty even though she was exempted for cleaning the classroom during the previous week with the same reason of boredom from waiting for her inconsiderate friend.

Jongin was almost done with her last straw of diligency for the class with a few more tiny tweaks on the chair alignments when the door slams open, scaring the shit out of Jongin and revealing Sehun who seemed to be unaware of what was happening.

“What?” Sehun stares at her weirdly as he pulls his bag which was sandwiched between his desk and chair.

Jongin purses her lips as she faces the other side of the class where her friend was located after dropping the cleaning cloth for the window on the floor. “Do you have any idea on what time is it?”

He looks at his watch and narrows his eyes on it. “Well yeah? 4:38PM?”

“But...I swear it was almost dinner time.” Jongin picks up her backpack before flattening out her uniform from wrinkles and patting it out from dusts. “I could even smell my mom’s cooking from here!”

Sehun walks toward Jongin. He wraps his arms around her shoulders, guiding her towards the exit. Jongin lets her body get dragged as she turns off the air conditioning units and lights.

As they walk towards the hallway, both were suddenly aware of how quiet the surroundings had become. With the rumors going around the school about suddenly appearing nuns, loud crying sounds and moving portraits of holy people, most of the students were scared shitless of the story. The two however weren’t because they were actually the ones who started the rumors.

In the middle of their walking, Jongin suddenly stops. Although, they didn’t really mind when they suddenly heard a laugh from a child. Even if they both knew that elementary students from their school are dismissed way earlier than them, probably just before lunch.

"The school service!" Jongin gasps. "Now I have to take the bus back home!" She fakes a cry as if trying to be passive aggressive towards Sehun.

“Well you could come with us since we basically just live in the same neighborhood. My aunt brought her car anyway."

They continue to walk towards the exit while Jongin screams inwardly in success. As they reach the exit door of their school building, Sehun drops the 'bomb'.

"So you like Kyungsoo, huh?"

She stops in her tracks, eyes widening in surprise as she gently removes Sehun's arms around her shoulders.

"How did you know?" Jongin gives a sigh of relief after looking around the hallway if there were students but only sees a janitor staring strangely at them.

"Because you're obvious?" Sehun continues to walk. She follows her friend anyway with slow shallow steps.

“Was I really that obvious?”

When they have reached the parking lot, Sehun notices the school bus that should’ve departed minutes ago. “Wait a second, why is the school bus still here?”

“Flat tire.” Sehun’s aunt, also known as the President of the school, says as she suddenly pops in the scene. “The driver has just finished fixing it.”

“Kim Jongin right?” The said girl enthusiastically nods. “Nice to-“

Sehun suddenly pushes his friend towards the direction of the parked school bus. He whispers, “You wouldn’t want to miss the chance of being able to sit beside Kyungsoo, right? Just go and use the service. I’ll go to your house tomorrow, bye!”

At the mention of Kyungsoo’s name, Jongin, who only comprehended the words sit, service and Kyungsoo, runs towards the school bus and not forgetting to bow towards the President of the school.

Jongin does a double take while running when she notices that it was the school’s President with Sehun. “That’s impossible. How could Sehun’s aunt be the President of our school?” She says to herself.

As they almost finish praying with the Holy Rosary, the sudden appearance of an exhausted Kim Jongin surprises all the students inside the bus. Her current state however, was pitied by most of them. Some had just laughed and snickered along with the friends.

Kyungsoo, who has finished praying the said Holy Thing by herself, feels disappointed after seeing how Jongdae didn’t show up. She must’ve walked back home while being accompanied by Chanyeol.

Clearly noticing the empty seat beside her and the student who had just arrived, she had no other choice but to give in and share her seat knowing that it was the only empty one anyway.

“H-hi.” Jongin shyly says as she sits beside her.

Kyungsoo fakes a smile in return as she scoots toward the window before reaching for her novel to continue with her unfinished reading.

She was glad to know that the Jongin she knew inside the class was one of the noisiest person ever is actually quiet in certain times. Well, maybe technically because Sehun isn’t with her and the others were still praying.

As Kyungsoo flips for the next page, a sticky note that may had come from Jongdae because of her known messy handwriting appears like a wild pokemon.

‘So apparently, Kim Jongin has a crush on you.’

At the exact moment when she finishes reading it, she feels her shoulder getting a bit heavy from someone’s head leaning onto it. The mirror’s reflection shows a sleeping Jongin who looks so calm and at peace.

Kyungsoo’s heart flutters a bit as she closes her book, preparing herself for a good rest from school as well.

It will feel relieving to confess, they said. You won't feel embarrassed, they said.

"So you're telling me that you got all of your stupid advices from 9GAG?" Jongin has murder in her eyes as she carefully watches the prey who was just scanning his phone as he sit on a bean bag at the corner of her room with no idea on what was going on.

Sehun unexpectedly laughs, touching the screen of his phone and probably saving a funny image or GIF from the said entertainment site. His face becomes straight again as he shrugs his shoulders saying, "I guess so."

"Hi Kyungsoo!" Jongin greets.

An awkward yet non-discriminating smile was given by the former in reply. She was doing an advance reading regarding Trigonometric Identities, not that she was trying to master it or anything. A number of students were just inside the classroom, doing the supposed 'homeworks' while the others might have been eating at lunchroom since it was their break time already.

Jongin fishes out a pink heart-shaped sticky note from her pocket. However, Kyungsoo doesn't notice how the former's face has now turned into a bashful blushing tomato. Yes, tomato.

She hands it to Kyungsoo who stares at it weirdly. "I hope you get to solve it."

Right after that, Jongin runs outside the classroom, leaving a bewildered Kyungsoo with the note.

Written on the paper was an equation (128√e980 +00). She shrugs to herself, placing the note randomly on her book and reminding herself to solve it later.

A few minutes later and just before the bell that signals the end of their break rings, Kyungsoo has now finished studying. When she had closed her book, she suddenly notices the note that was exactly placed at the bottom part of her book.

The equation was pictured to be cut into half, showing a quite endearing statement.

Kyungsoo smiles to herself as she picks her ballpen on the side of her desk, drawing a small heart beside the equation.

I love you.

pairing: jongdae/chanyeol, rating: pg13, pairing: tao/sehun, !fic, pairing: kai/d.o

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