(for moon_things) Chicken Pie

Aug 29, 2014 17:43

For: moon_things
Title: Chicken Pie
Pairings: Kai/D.O, Tao/D.O
Rating: PG-13
Word Count: 2,882
Summary: Scent of peppermint and chicken pie
Author’s Note: This has been one of my better fics (◕‿◕✿) I do hope that you like it! I had much fun writing it and I made a split decision at the end to give it a nicer ending than planned (๑>ᴗ<๑)

There was a sharp cry high in the air, a black shape flitting through the sky, sharp eyes flickering and eyeing the area below, a hooked beak parting to release a shrill squawk, sending small animals scampering for cover. A small rabbit bounced into the safety of the trees, little pink nose twitching as it sniffed the air for potential danger. The forest was silent, gentle rushes of wind rustling the leaves, the branches and stems parting to let in little patches of sunlight to the forest floor below where there was life teeming in the darkness. The deeper in the woods, the darker it got, eerie silence soaked into the skin, soft whispers and growls chilling to the bone for even the bravest of animals.

A dark shadow crouched in the darkness of the trees, yellow eyes flashing as a wet nose caught whiff of a different scent, a sweet scent, a unique scent that passed through once every month like a ghostly breeze, coupled with the richer pine scent of the woodcutter. The dark shapes feared that man, a tall mysterious figure with dark eye bags and a deep red hair color, like the color of blood. He carried with him a heavy axe made of unbelievably strong steel, the axe having fallen more of their kind than they could remember. Usually his scent would accompany the sweeter scent as if cloaking it and masking it from them.

That day however, the sugary scent wafted through the area, stronger and unmasked by the fearful pine. Wet noses sniffed, mouths filled with rows of sharp teeth started to drool, soon they were snapping at each other, fighting over who would get to claim this little treat even though it was a little way off, the beings crawling out of the safety of the shadows to seek out the delicious scent. A particular one snuck further than the others, yellow eyes flashing red as if possessed by a demon, wet nose sniffing eagerly at the scent that seemed to be getting stronger the further he went. Sleek silver-white fur covered the lean muscle that rippled with each movement, thin but strong limbs crouching the body close to the ground, sharp claws digging into the dirt as if latching onto prey. The white wolf snarled, lips pulled back in an almost demonic growl, baring sharp teeth and long canines that would pierce flesh and snap a neck in an instant. He was so close, he could almost feel the foreign presence on his tongue.

A flash of bright red caught his attention, the sound of a gentle humming filling the area as soft footsteps fell on crushed leaves, the crunch of twigs sent the wolf's ears standing straight. The wolf crouched in the undergrowth, staring intently, inching forward slowly. Against a tree sat a little figure in red, face covered by the shadows of the red hood. The red material swayed gently in the breeze, settling on the figure's shoulders, dropping and shielding the rest of their body like a bright red curtain. Firm thighs were curled up under the figure, clad in thick black pants. Black boots covered the person's feet, small feet that matched the figure's small hands that clutched tightly to a covered basket, heat and the smell of apple pie unfurled from under the tea towel like tendrils of a ghostly octopus, scented tentacles wrapping attracting its prey before wrapping around it to devour.

A white paw crunched on a fallen twig, the hooded figure quickly turning its head towards the sound, not knowing that the wolf had long circled away, heading to the other side and stalking towards the human, who remained still like a sitting duck. At the last minute, the wolf hid itself behind a tree, closing its eyes and arched it's back, fur rippling as it started to retract into the wolf's skin. With a twitch, the canine body got smaller, the snout slowly flattening to form a defined face, fur disappearing into smooth tanned skin until only a mop of unruly silver-white hair remained on its head. Paws lengthened into hands and fingers and the hind legs bent forward in a sickening crack as the knees changed from bending backwards to forwards. Yellow eyes flashed and white pants started materializing on the body, fitting snugly to the legs and a new crisp white shirt started to appear from the waist, buttons done up and silver pieces clung to the collar. Finally a jacket just as white as the other pieces of clothing fitted itself on his frame, the figure taking a step forward, white leather encased foot after another and he appeared from behind the tree where the human sat, oblivious to the presence behind him. A twig cracked underfoot and the head turned, the wolf was caught in the gaze of beautifully large doe eyes, strands of black hair framing a round face of smooth porcelain skin, thick lips standing out against the pale snowy complexion. The human was no older than 20, the youthful face radiating innocence and confusion at the sight of the stranger before him.

It must be quite a sight to run into an impeccably dressed man so deep in the forest, picking through the bush and walking on a dirt path casually with no qualms about his clothes becoming stained with dirt. His tanned skin was smooth and unblemished, golden eyes lined with a dark kohl staring sensually, almost lustfully straight into the boy's soul. A shapely nose directed eyes down to thick lips that were pulled into a dark, haunting smirk. The boy stared with even wider eyes, even when he was standing, the man towered over him like an adult to a child. Silver strands fell into the man's eyes, his piercing gaze pulled away momentarily to flick the locks of hair out of his eyes. The boy with the red hood stumbled back, basket of treats clutched close to his chest and a frown marring his adorable little face.

"W-Who are you?"

The man chuckled, a deep and husky sound that echoed in the clearing. The boy was so cute, he could just eat him up. He took steady steps forward, eyes trained on the stumbling human, who whimpered softly and tried to search for the way out. A quick hand shot out and grabbed the boy's arms, a gasp and a squeak later, the red hood was scraped against a tree as the boy's mouth was covered, the man's face awkwardly close.

"Little Kyungsoo..." The man cooed softly, smirk still playing on his lips, "Do you really not remember me?"

Kyungsoo in the little red hood stared at the man in front him with disbelief, body shaking and the basket almost dropping to the ground. The golden eyes faded briefly into a chocolate brown, a flash of a distant image and Kyungsoo blinked up at the man, shaking his head.

"N-No... You can't be..." He whispered almost softly, the strong hand releasing him, "You... You... They said you died long ago..."

The man smiled, shaking his head at the fact that the villagers back then had spread the rumour that he died, that he had been taken and eaten by the wolves for wandering too far into the woods. No one wanted to admit what had happened, the records were rewritten and the stories changed to prevent the future children from ever venturing into the dark woods alone. Kyungsoo was only 6 at that time, a tiny little thing with chubby cheeks and bright eyes. He didn't remember the night that they came and took him away, fire torches bright and hot, angry murmurs and darkened whispers surrounded him as they carried him with a potato sack on his head, leading him into the cold and silent woods where they left him to die. There were days he longed to go back, go back and find his friend but he knew the villagers would react badly, they would skin him alive or burn him like a witch on trial like they did to Wufan, the previous alpha of the woods.


Kyungsoo's soft voice was picked up by his sharp ears, the man's eyes looking down at the boy with a gentle longing that spoke of years of loneliness and yearning. Jongin reached down with one hand, cupping the soft cheek gently as he ran a thumb lightly over the smooth skin as if he was afraid the smaller might shatter in his hands. Leaning down, Jongin buried his nose in the soft fabric of the red hood, inhaling the sweet scent of Kyungsoo to imprint it in his memories. He still smelled like chocolate and mint with a hint of fresh rain. With a soft smile, unlike the smirk he held before, the wolf started leading the smaller away on the beaten track, looking around warily for any sign of other wolves or the woodcutter.

"You usually come along here with the woodcutter, don't you? He's the one that accompanies you to where you're going?"

Jongin's voice was still raspy from the disuse, his arm wrapping protectively around Kyungsoo's shoulders as he lead him as far away from the deeper parts of the woods, not wanting the smaller to fall into any danger now that he found out who was under the red riding hood. His nose twitched at the lingering smell of another wolf, a lanky grey one that tends to stumble and crash into things. Jongin's sharp eyes glanced around for any signs that Chanyeol was close by, his ears listening intently to the sounds around them. Kyungsoo had noticed that the other was quite distracted, head turning this way and that, eyes flicking back and forth while sniffing out their surroundings like a hound dog he often saw at Baekhyun's dad's farm.

"Do you remember Zitao? The thin kid that used to practice martial arts with the wood from your basket? He's the woodcutter now. He helps me get to my grandmother's house, she lives on the other side of the woods. Usually it would take about half a day to walk around to get there but going through here only takes about 2 hours but he's fallen ill and the doctors suggested that he stopped working for awhile. So I'm here on my own but I got lost without the guidance," His voice trailed off slightly when he noticed how distracted the man was, his small hand reaching to tug on the smooth white jacket gently, "Jongin, is something the matter? You seem awfully tense..."

Of course Kyungsoo didn't really know about the hidden dangers of the woods, he would have lived a sheltered life after what had happened to Jongin so long ago. The silver-haired man nodded his head, faint memories of a scrawny boy crying at a tiny spider or dropping a candy treat in the river, one that he had saved up two whole day's worth of pocket money for. A smile tugged on Jongin's lips at the images but soon it faded into a frown, Zitao was now the woodcutter, the same person that had fallen so many of the wolf pack. Both Sehun and Luhan were taken by him in one day, Chen falling shortly after, their fur now kept the red-haired woodcutter warm and their heads stuffed, hanging on the wall of his hut like true trophies of a hunter. Jongin shook his head to clear his mind of the feeling, avoiding the topic and offering the other a smile.

"Ah, your grandmother's house... It must be that one on the edge of the forest and always smells of chicken pie..."

Soft footsteps followed their soft conversations, Jongin leading Kyungsoo through the woods on the well worn path, not understanding how the smaller had gotten lost in the first place. More than once, there were flashes of gold, dashes of black and smears of white that danced on his peripheral vision and Jongin was worried for Kyungsoo's safety in the coming days while Zitao was away on his sick leave. As the sun moved across the sky, the exit from the woods could be seen and the gentle caress of a lovely chicken pie wafted through the air like a soft calling to Jongin's stomach, a wife welcoming a sailor home. Jongin had lived too long as a wolf, too long on raw meat, the cooked smell was calling to him like a siren. He turned to face the small boy next to him, placing his hand on Kyungsoo's own atop his basket, Jongin smiled down at the wide eyed male with a clenching in his heart.

"Kyungsoo... I do hope to see you again. But I need to tell you that you shouldn't walk in the woods alone. There are things there that can hurt you."

"But they won't hurt me while you're there right?" Kyungsoo looked at their hands, Jongin's much larger and strong while his own were delicate and small. "What if I called for you whenever I'm coming through? Would you come and walk with me?"

Chest constricting with the feelings, Jongin blinked, taking a moment to realise what the other had asked of him, lips quirking up in a smile. He nodded, leaning to rest his forehead on Kyungsoo's gently, letting out soft breaths as he tried to get over the fact that after all these years, he would have his best friend in his life once again. He didn't want to think about anything else, the scent of peppermint and the lingering chicken pie enveloping him until a gentle rumble broke the moment, Kyungsoo pulling away with a laugh. He held Jongin's hand tightly and tugged him towards the little cottage, smiling the beautiful heart-shaped smile Jongin always adored.

"I'm sure grandma doesn't mind having a guest, we always have leftover pie anyway."

With that, Jongin became a routine for Kyungsoo, every two days he would stand at the edge of the woods and call the wolf's name, waiting for the ethereal figure to appear, never questioning, never wondering where Jongin lived nor how he was alive after all these years. The red hooded figure didn't need to rely on the woodcutter anymore, nor had he been so happy before. It took some time for the wolf to recognize the pattern, it took him weeks to start sitting closer to the entrance to the woods every two days, it took him weeks to get addicted to the gentle voice that called his name so lovingly. It took a few weeks for Kyungsoo's grandma to invite Jongin in like her own grandson, it only took weeks for her to start setting out three servings of chicken pie instead of the usual two. It was the best thing that had happened to Jongin since he was sent away to live in the woods with his own kind, it only took him weeks to be happy again.

What took weeks and eventually months to build up came crashing down in a second, a black shadow falling over the sitting wolf and there was a flash of silver, a splatter of liquid on leaves, painting them red. Kyungsoo stood at the entrance, calling Jongin's name over and over, wondering what was keeping the man when a shadow appeared in the covers of the trees, a drag of feet and a rustle of leaves had Kyungsoo perking up happily like an excited puppy until Zitao's figure came into view, the sunlight bathing him in a gentle glow, red hair like a flame in the light. In one hand, he had his trusty axe and in the other, where there should be a stack of wood was a carcass. Kyungsoo was about to dismiss the woodcutter and his wolf hunting when his eyes caught sight of the silver-white fur, Jongin's face appearing behind his eyelids and he dropped his basket, small apple pies rolled on the ground as he pushed Zitao to the side, dropping to his knees to hold the wolf to his chest, his salty tears mixing with the red stain as the wolf let out a soft whimper, shifting in his arms and blinking up with sad golden eyes. He let out a pained howl, moving onto his stomach and bared his teeth at Zitao as a last stand. Kyungsoo cried, pushing Zitao back and turning to watch as Jongin got up, limping slightly but seemingly okay. The woodcutter yelled, shoving the smaller man aside, reaching for his axe once again and Jongin made a dive for Kyungsoo, shifting back in midair and catching the small body against his own, his injuries not important. The boy rubbed his eyes and blinked up at the man that held him protectively against hi strong chest, Zitao's own eyes wide with disbelief as he dropped the axe, falling back onto his ass and watched as Jongin lead Kyungsoo into the woods, leaving behind nothing but a basket full of apple pies.

Who is to say where they are now, but every two days, Kyungsoo's grandmother would set the table and serve three plates of chicken pie, waiting with a smile until there was two knocks on her door, one stronger than the other.

rating: pg13, !fic, pairing: tao/d.o, pairing: kai/d.o

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